I'm not happy with the reluctance of the John Kerry and the ALL the Democrats for the last 2 decades to go Bush (now) and the Republicans but, stop and think, could you have a better looking candidate with a better resume than Kerry? Since Kennedy, what Democrat made a more attractive and more competent candidate than Kerry? He's smart, he's brave and he's proven to be fearless. During a time of war, how can you do better?
Karl Rove pre-empted all of Kerry's best qualities and therefore some think Kerry is the problem. I don't think so. How often have you heard I don't like either one? Really, what's not to like about Kerry? Unfortunately, Kerry's qualities are over shaddowed by the numerous Bush negatives. So why then has Kerry not turbo-charged ahead.
The problem is the fear of changing commanders in chief while we are in a war. That's it. Because of that war, people have extra-undeserved respect, that has never been earned, for a dangerously incompetent president. Yet Bush is there and
Americans don't like to criticize their government or take any blame for their choices. It's not Kerry's resume at all and the ABB phenomenon is not something Kerry should be ashamed of. How great does he have to be to overcome the endless list of Bush negatives and Karl Rove's campaign of lies and smears? Could Lincoln or either of the Roosevelts have done it? Not without a lot of hard work.
If there were no war, it would be a landslide for Kerry. However, because there is a war and because we now have the problems of powerful terrorism, because Bush created in Iraq, an Afghanistan with highways and weapons production ability beyond al Qaeda's dreams, we need someone in the White House who can cover all the bases. Bush doesn't think he has to touch all the bases and he thinks his intuition and resolve are enough. Those are great qualities for a president to have except when one's intuition is foolish, short sided, not based on any research and when one's resolve easily crosses the line to stubbornness and pigheadedness. One thing Bush does know, he doesn't have the mental capacity to make informed decisions. He knows that he is too lazy to do the work and he has no ability for intense focus. So putting on an air of toughness and resolve, like the "supreme master" of a college fraternity, puts on a "John Wayne façade, which is fine for a fraternity but when it comes to the safety of Americans it is not only amateurish but also irresponsible, to say the least.
When your friends and relatives say neither candidates are any good, tell them why Kerry will be a great president and tell them that Bush, with his laziness, lack of focus and his desire to run away from hard work might bury us and bury our children. After negatives on top of negatives we know discover that Bush has been covering-up the fact that he let 380 tons of high level explosives get in the hands of terrorist. That can blow up 3/4 a million passenger airplanes. Happy flying!