While having a beer with my brother, and we talked about a mutual friend, a graduate of the Sloan School who manages a multi-billion dollar investment fund.
He told my brother that he was "Fiscally conservative and socially liberal" (FCSL).
My brother, who has a fantastic capability for spotting self serving lies (inherited from my mom) said, "Bullsh**. You mean that you don't care as long as it doesn't inconvenience you."
I agree.
FCSLers mean that they want to have low taxes, but they want their pr0n, abortions, and birth control.
They don't care about the the 80-90% of the population that is being beaten down by American hyper-capitalism.
I favor balancing the budget, but I want to do so by raising taxes.
While we are at it, improve the social safety net.
I want single payer health, the minimum wage should be more than $9/hour, and that unemployment compensation should increase in length and among, and CEO salaries should be reigned in.
Public colleges should be free, and that our public schools should be better than those of Cuba.
Oh, and how about some @#$%ing competently run mass transit?!?!