It's time to get over it. We lost FL and OH. Without a doubt there were irregularities and other matters which would likely tilt some votes are way. Regardless, the outcomes in FL and OH make a little more sense when placed in a national context.
In 2000, there was a majority liberal vote (Gore + Nader = 51%). This time around, Bush won 51% of the vote. While Kerry performed about at the level of Gore in many states, this is actually a decline in support for the liberals, as Nader was barely a factor this year. In nearly every state, Bush surpassed his 2000 performance, substantially in many cases. His gains were not just limited to the south either; look at the relative collapse of the liberal vote from 2000 in New York, New Jersey, Delaware. The liberal vote lost considerable ground in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and California as well. Not to mention, New Mexico and Iowa turned red.
Is it really so surprising that, when we lose ground nationwide relative to 2000, we also lose Florida and Ohio, states that were close in 2000? I think it's time to move on. Our political and emotional energy is better invested looking ahead to 2006 and 2008.