I have been a die-hard Dean supporter, sticking with him to the end, and I will continue to participate in his grassroots movement to change America, however that takes shape over the coming weeks and months. I am committed to replacing George W. Bush in November, and I want to avoid choosing the lesser of two evils as much as possible -- this was the quandary in 2000 that kept most voters away from the polls and propelled George W. Bush in office.
With all this in mind, I am supporting John Edwards for President. He is the only remaining electable candidate who stands for ordinary Americans, rasing the relevant issues that George W. Bush needs to be taken to task on. He will continue to stand for us in Washington, he is the best man for the job, and he has the best chance for bringing new voters into the process as Dean has.
I will be loath to settle for anything less than Edwards, and I hope we can unite behind him to defeat Kerry's false aura of electability. Sure he's won the most primaries, but more often than not he's received only a plurality of votes. Together, we can effect change in Washington -- during these heavily contested primaries, let us unite behind Edwards to defeat the threat to victory in November that is Kerry.