I'm not sure how many people are familiar with
Vernon Robinson. He's an African-American Republican running for Congress in North Carolina's 5th Congressional district. So far, he's ahead of the other candidates in the GOP primary. Part of this has to do with the
high profile endorsements he was received from the likes of Alan Keyes, Tom Tancredo, Bob Barr, and Gary Aldrich. However, when I initially started to post this diary, I was going to use it to indict more prominent Republicans who had endorsed Robinson. Having returned to his web site, I guess these GOP leaders must have been scared off by the ugly racism of this guy because I cannot find their endorsements anymore. There had previously been a prominent endorsement from Jack Kemp, with a signed picture and direct endorsement of Robinson. That appears to have been eliminated. Any support from Jeb Bush is also gone. Can't help but think they realized how radioactive this guy is. Instead, Robinson is left to claim:
"At one time or another I have been endorsed by:" and then lists these former supports.
If you're wondering why he is so radioactive, listen to these radio ads:
"Jesse Helms is back and he's black" (This one ends with the line, "I'm Vernon Robinson and the only thing I share with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton is a good tan.")
Jeopardy: Today's Topic is Homosexual Rights
Illegal Alien Twilight Zone
"Don't Pull a Jeese Jackson and Blame it on Whitey"
As you will see from these radio ads is a man who feels he must go overboard to prove he's not a typical, lawless black man. The self-hatred is so deep, it's scary to hear.
Anyway, even though it appears GOP leaders may have pulled their overt endorsements, I think we should hold the other party accountable by asking GOP candidates whether they support Robinson and his ads. If not, will they repudiate him?