For once we can agree with Bush on something!
Beginning a two-day swing through four presidential battlegrounds, Bush planned to take a subtle slap at Democratic rival John Kerry. "When it comes to choosing a president, results matter," Bush said in excerpts of his new stump speech obtained by The Associated Press.
Let's see...
Nine hundred dead American soldiers
One point two million lost jobs
Four million more people without health insurance
Lower wages
Incomes down
We could go on and on...
Bush is exactly right, results do matter.
If Kerry is smart, he will instantly respond to Bush's new slogan. He can hit this one out of the park.
And then there's this bullshit:
Then, for the next two weeks, he will focus on his ideas for helping Americans adjust to the changing economy: increasing home ownership, overhauling Social Security and letting workers opt for time off rather than overtime pay -- an issue that has riled unions, Democrats and some moderate Republicans.
He is going to brag about taking away overtime pay? Hopefully during the debates, Kerry will remind Bush (and the media) that comp time doesn't pay the bills.
One of the most disappointing parts of the convention was that not a single primetime speaker told the American people that Bush wants to screw them out of their right to overtime pay. The new overtime regulations are probably the most repugnant item that has come from this administration (and that's saying something!), yet it is ignored by both the media and the Kerry campaign.