Like most people here, I love politics. Supposedly it is the dirtiest of professions, and perhaps it is, but I believe that it is also the noblest at certain times. I like to think that the myths of FDR and Bobby Kennedy are true, and that there are candidates who work for a greater good and occasionally succeed.
I've looked at all of the candidates for the Colorado race and I honestly believe that Mike Miles is one of those. I'll be honest- I love him for his speeches. I think that even in this age of internet and television, speeches define a campaign, give it its soul and its substance, and Miles most certainly has both of those in abundance.
I have a question, though for people here.
Most of us were Dean supporters because we felt that he might be able to change this country and make it better. Mike Miles is the most public supporter of Dean in Colorado, at least, has equal if not better speaking skills and is shielded from most of Dean's problems. First of all, Miles doesn't make as many stupid mistakes as Dean, avoiding all sorts of problems. Also, Miles' military as well as diplomatic background give him solid defense from the attacks that were made on Dean. Miles coming from Colorado Springs, the most conservative region of the state is the polar opposite of Dean coming from Vermont. Critical as well is that Miles is running for Senate as opposed to President, giving him a better chance to win an election based on his immense personal talents, with the opportunity to speak to a surprisingly large percentage of the populace. My question is, then, why are more former Dean supporters and other supporters not backing Miles now? In some ways he is the dream combination- Dean with the foreign policy experience, Clark with the speaking ability, education work, and political know-how, Kerry with the charm, and Edwards with the experience. Why are more people on the blogs not backing him then?