Note: This diary is being written to fulfill a promise that I made to jdog. Doggie hasn't been seen in these here parts for a few weeks now and may not even see this. But I aim to honor that promise (okay, okay--it was a bet if you want to be technical about it), because if there's one thing I know about jdog, it's that he honors his word and he keeps up his side of a bargain. Always. So, if anything, this diary is to honor him. I wish we had more like him in this sorry world.
There will probably be some grumpy pants that will whine and complain that this is a waste of bandwidth/their time/pixels. A fart on you. When this promise was made (30,000 users ago), DailyKos was a site where having a good time on a Saturday night was not only permissible, it was expected. And if, even after all this, you insist on peeing in the kiddie pool, then I invite all merry pranksters to flick peas, snark, and post a recipe for jdog.
Why I Love Sox. Find out on the flip.
Some will say that [the] Sox is the source of all evil. That Sox turns men into beasts and women into idiots. That what the world needs now is to stop playing with their Sox!
This is absurd. What we need now is not less Sox, but more Sox. Short Sox, long Sox, fat Sox, and skinny Sox. But most of all--White Sox.
Some will say that Sox is the devil's playground. Others will say that Sox is addicting and soon you will do nothing but play with your Sox. There are stories of individuals who will do anything for some Sox.
Obviously, these folks are playing with the wrong Sox. To make sure you don't make the same mistake, here are some answers to questions you may have about Sox.
Can you have too much Sox?
Technically, you can only play with 9 Sox at a time. If that is insufficient, you may need to call in some extras in a pinch situation.
Does the size of the bat matter?
This is truly a matter of individual preference. I know of Sox who actually have many different bats which can be interchanged depending on the situation called for. Remember, a run scored on a squeeze play can be just as satisfying as a home run.
What about co*k in a bat?
I believe that is redundant. Please reword your question.
When would you use a switch hitter?
In group situations, versatility can be a marvelous asset.
What about performance enhancing drugs?
Anabolic steroids are a definite no no. They will not have the desired effect on the critical muscles involved. Unless, of course, this is what rattles your batting cage.
What is your favorite position?
While I am often told that I am way out in left field, and a good third baseman can stop me from making it home, I have to admit, I'm a sucker for a good curveball.
Now, it's your turn. Tell me what you love about Sox.