Heh. Not. But I am doing some serious pimping here, so lissen up.
Our very own Bill in Portland Maine has an amazing opportunity this weekend and he is asking all Kossacks to join in and participate in it with him.
And, no, it doesn't involve hottubs. Or pooties. Or pea flicking.
It will however involve the incomparable DNC Chair Dr. Howard Dean and Bill wants to pass along your love to him.
Go see I'm Seeing Dean this Weekend and get your message hand-delivered to Dr. Dean.
What extended body? This is pimping, clear and simple. The body you want is over
What are you waiting for?
Oh. Sigh. Want to put this bandwidth to good use?
Use the space below to come up with jailhouse nicknames for the soon-to-be-indicted Delay, Rove, Libby and whoever else you want thrown in the pokey.
And take the poll!