I along with my husband, are active speakers and member family of Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) My work is done more geographically to Pacific Northwest, however, we have had one opportunity to appear on Newshour with Jim Lehrer as representative MFSO family, simultaneously representing as lay-preacher of my local church speaking out in challenge of the President's policy on Iraq war. We have 2 loved ones in our family, now combat Iraq veterans facing 2nd deployments to Iraq.
Point of this diary is that I have been anxiously waiting for MFSO headquarters to make their move and announcement regarding Downing Street Memo which they have now done; announcement below the fold.
I have been active in my own private endeavors regarding DSM while I've been waiting, and this has been a month of going from despair of no interest or media coverage of the DSM published May 1, to renewed hopeful optimism at the swelling support of multiple coalitions on many fronts on One Single Issue = Downing Street Memo. Amen, my own prayers for a 'single issue' that would unite the many factions; political, activists, peace, military family organizations,troops, religious, ordinary citizen to be on same page at same time on same issue.
Thanks to all of you for the support you've shown to GSFfP (Gold Star Families for Peace), Cindy Sheehan, who jumped on this early. Military Families Against the War, UK (www.mfaw.org.uk/) also was on this very early, May 29, with Petition. .
MFSO, GSFfP, and MFAW are affiliated military family organizations so it was important to me to see all three take and announce stance on DSM. Many Friends of our organizations have already gone on record with a position.
Lietta Ruger,
member family Military Families Speak Out, Pacific Northwest(www.nwmfso.org)
Press Release;
June 14, 2005
Gold Star and Military Families Call for Truth Regarding Downing St. Memo,
Members to Visit Congress
To: National and Assignment desks, Daybook Editor
Contact: Cindy Sheehan, 707-365-7750;
or Celeste Zappala, 215-570-5484;
or Wade Fletcher, 703-795-4242,
All for Gold Star Families for Peace
and Military Families Speak Out;
Web: http://www.gsfp.org;
or http://www.mfso.org
News Advisory:
Gold Star and Military Families Call for Truth Regarding Downing St. Memo, Members to Visit Congress
At three events on June 15 and June 16, members of Gold Star Families for Peace (GSFP) and Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) will travel to Washington, DC to press for answers regarding the so-called Downing Street Memo and for the truth about the decision to invade Iraq.
Wednesday, June 15:
Members of Gold Star Families for Peace, a national organization of families whose loved ones died as a result of the war in Iraq, will meet with Members of Congress on June 15, 2005 to call on them to support a "Resolution of Inquiry" into the so- called Downing Street Memo. Members of Gold Star Families for Peace believe that the Downing Street Memo is a "smoking gun" and validation that the invasion of Iraq was based on prefabricated intelligence. GSFP members who have lost their dearest family members believe that their loved ones died needlessly, senselessly, and avoidably in the aggression against Iraq.
Gold Star Families for Peace members who will be available to speak with the press prior to, as well as following, their Congressional visits, include:
Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, CA whose son Army SPC Casey Sheehan was killed in Sadr City, Baghdad, on 04/04/04. Ms. Sheehan's sister Dede Miller of Bellflower, CA, aunt of Casey Sheehan, will also be present.
Bill Mitchell of Atascadero, CA whose son Sgt. Michael Mitchell was also killed in Sadr City on 04/04/04.
Celeste Zappala of Philadelphia, PA whose son Sgt. Sherwood Baker, the first Pennsylvania National Guard soldier to die in combat since 1945, was killed on April 26, 2004 in an explosion in Baghdad while guarding the Iraq Survey Group who were looking for weapons of mass destruction.
Dianne Davis Santorello, of Verona, PA mother of Lt.Neil Anthony Santoriello, KIA 8-13-04
Roxane Kaylor, of Virgnia, mother of Sgt. Jeff Kaylor, KIA 4- 7-03
Tia Steele, of Baltimore, MD stepmother of David M Branning KIA 11-12-04 in Fallujah
Liz Sweet, lives in DC area, mother of Thomas J Sweet, died on 11-27-03
Members of Gold Star Families available for interview and comment before and after visits with Congress
Families whose loved ones were killed in Iraq
June 15, at 10:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Near the Congressional Office Buildings at the Bartholdi Park Fountain; Independence and First Street at Washington Ave S.W., Washington, D.C.
Thursday, June 16:
On June 16 at 2 p.m. (location to be determined) GSFP co- founder Cindy Sheehan will join others in testifying at a Democratic hearing before Rep. John Conyers, Jr., ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, and other Members of Congress.
After the hearings a rally will be held at the White House at 5pm in Lafayette Park. Members of Gold Star Families for Peace and Military Families Speak Out, an organization of over 2,200 military families who are opposed to the war in Iraq, will accompany Congressman Conyers and others in delivering a petition demanding that President Bush answer questions and tell the truth about the justifications for and the lead-up to the war in Iraq.
Representatives of GSFP and MFSO who will be available for interview include:
Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, CA whose son Army SPC Casey Sheehan was killed in Sadr City, Baghdad, on 04/04/04. Ms. Sheehan's sister Dede Miller of Bellflower, CA, aunt of Casey Sheehan, will also be present.
Bill Mitchell of Atascadero, CA whose son Sgt. Michael Mitchell was also killed in Sadr City on 04/04/04.
Al and Dante Zappala of Philadelphia, PA whose son and brother Sgt. Sherwood Baker, the first Pennsylvania National Guard soldier to die in combat since 1945, was killed on April 26, 2004 in an explosion in Baghdad while guarding the Iraq Survey Group who were looking for weapons of mass destruction.
Stephen Cleghorn, member of Military Families Speak Out from Washington, D.C. whose stepson in the U.S. Army served in Iraq and received the Bronze Star. Mr. Cleghorn was one of fifteen parents who brought a lawsuit against President Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in February, 2003 seeking to prevent an invasion of Iraq absent a Congressional Declaration of War.
Details on time and place of these two events will be posted on http://www.mfso.org and http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/ when they are available.