Congressman Mike Ferguson's (R-NJ7) office continues to refuse to answer questions regarding the over the counter sale of Plan B, the emergency contraceptive. Now, instead of
answering a different question they are saying
they don't comment unless issues come up before the house. From
kwilkinson of the site,
Blue Jersey:
No position forthcoming. He'll only say something if it comes up in front of the House, which it won't, because it's being held up indefinitely by the FDA politicos, according to Marcus.
This is pretty selective, and intended to avoid answering direct questions from his constituents. It's also based upon a pretty big falsehood. See, contrary to what Marcus said there is a bill in front of the House regarding Plan B and the FDA. Ferguson's people just don't want you to know it.
H. R. 4229 [
pdf] is sponsored by Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY14) and has
61 cosponsors. Here's the summary:
To require the Commissioner of Food and Drugs to determine whether to allow the marketing of Plan B as a prescription drug for women 15 years of age or younger and a nonprescription drug for women 16 years of age or older, and for other purposes.
This bill, which goes directly to the question Ferguson's staff refuses to asnwer, was referred on February 17, 2006 to the "Subcommittee on Health" which is part of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Congressman Mike Ferguson sits on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Congressman Mike Ferguson sits on the House Subcommittee on Health.
One of two things happened in that call regarding Plan B: either Ferguson's office intentionally lied to a constituent regarding bills and issues pending in front of a committee Ferguson sits on, or Ferguson's office is unaware of the bills and issues pending in front of a committee Ferguson sits on. They are lying or incompetent.
So please call his office at (908) 757-7835 (NJ) or (202) 225-5361 (DC) and ask for Abby Bird, the Congressman's official spokeswoman, Marcus who spoke to kwilkinson, or someone else who can answer a question on Ferguson's position on Plan B.
If you get to Ms. Bird or another person capable of answering your questions, please ask them, "Would Congressman Ferguson support a hearing and Subcommittee on Health vote on H.R.4229 to require the FDA to approve Plan B for over-the-counter sales to women 17 years old and older and as a prescription for girls younger than 17?" All we want is a hearing and an up or down vote, because that will put Ferguson on the record.
Please do not be confrontational, but just try to get an answer to the question.
If you do not get a person who will answer the question please visit the online form and ask the question that way.
Contact Blue 7th at with the day you asked the question and any answers you get.