I didn't want to post this in the Hunter Thompson post, because I agreed with some people who said that wasn't the place for it. And we don't know what was going on in Mr. Thompson's life. Suicide due to terminal illness is something different, and if Mr. Thompson had a terminal illness that we don't know about, and that's why he killed himself, what I'm about to say doesn't apply. And severe
physical pain is a grey area, especially if the pain is chronic and isn't ever going to get better.
However, those factors not being in evidence, I feel that suicide is stupid and selfish. It's not heroic. It's not noble. It's a sad fucking waste.
Yeah, there are always 'reasons'. So what? Bush has 'reasons' for killing piles of Iraqis. We reject those reasons. Just as I reject almost all reasons for suicide. "Permanent solution to a temporary problem" sums it up just nicely.
And, before you all jump down my back, let me tell you that I have a nice vivid reminder of my own selfishness and stupidity every time I look down and see the jagged scar on my left wrist. Yes, I was 15, but that's no excuse. Maybe more people who attempt suicide need to be unexpectedly caught. In my case, it was by my brother, who was 12 at the time. Imagine that. Imagine if you were in my brother's shoes, coming downstairs to see someone he loved and looked up to with a knife in his hand, carving a channel through his wrist. It scarred my brother, no doubt, for a while--but it would've scarred him more if he'd been too late. If I ever needed a vivid confirmation of what an ASS I was being--there it was, on his face. More people that think about suicide should go through that. It's a wonderful cure.
Yeah, I'm being judgemental. Fuck it, I have a right, I've been there. And every time I look at two little girls that wouldn't have existed if I hadn't gotten over being an ass, it makes me sick.