Hey Kossacks, I need your help.
My band, the Coits, needs some new lyrics for a song, needs some new lyrics for a song of ours and in the spirit of the punk rock, I hope that we can engage in some open source song writing. The song is called "Punk Rock for the Right Wing." The lyrics could use some updating and Im just too burned out to write them. Lyrics and how to help on the flip.
The lyrics are very basic. Just four lines per verse. For those playing along at home, the guitar chords are just G, C, D, C. Unfortunately, we dont have the song on the internet right now. But I can email it to anyone if they are interested.
i am god's gift
to liberty
i'm proof of
i drive two
nice new SUVs
high fashion,
high technology
kill em all,
don't give a shit
i'll make a mess
won't deal with it
pollute the earth -
don't give a toss
i won't be here
in thirty years
all the way
is a-okay
wear a flag
kneel down and pray
fat ass gets fatter
every day
all the way
is fucking great
ignore the poor
say a prayer
fat ass
gets fatter
i got no passport
i don't need one
i got my land
i got my gun
i don't need no
bombing them's
enough for me
let's invade countries
my theory's right
it's only poor kids
that'll fight
i won't cry
i won't weep
as long as my gas
is cheap
all the way
is a-okay
ignore the poor
wear a flag
fat ass
gets fatter
all the way
is fucking great
pray for myself
twelve times a day
can't get married
if you're different
how many protestors does it take to change a lightbulb?
how many protestors does it take to make a change?
how many protestors does it take to change a president?
how many protestors does it take to give a shit?
those stupid fucking hippies can't change anything
ha ha ha!
all the way
is fucking great
my boss is
so fucking gay
just wanna watch
tv today
all the way
is a-okay
i'm so scarred of a
terror attack
kill 'em all
start in Iraq
global warming
don't exist
i don't believe in
i always toe
the party line
easier than having
my own mind
i vote again for
george and dick
fucking hippies
make me sick
wear a tie
around my neck
too bad it is
not a noose
So that is the general idea of the song. Any new lyrics would be appreciated. If you live in the DC/Baltimore area, we are playing a bunch of shows this month. So try to check us out.
All shows at the XCalibur Club, Washington DC
Tuesday, April 5 - W/ Pattern Against User. Official, Cab Assassin
Tuesday, April 12 - W/ Noyeek the Grizlee Bear (of the Infintie Loop
and the Head-Roc War Machine), Pattern 13, and The Expanded Form
Tuesday, April 19 - w/ The Usual Hooligans, BRAT
Tuesday, April 26 - w/ Dylan Connor, Aaron Shneyer, Mordecai