Sorry, none of this is working for ME.
I come to DailyKos to talk about the issues that interest ME, not the ones that the community has deemed important with its "recommended list".
For instance, I came here to talk about Rove and only Rove. And what do I see on the recommended diaries? No diaries about Rove.
Looking at the front page, I've noticed that only 3 out of 24 stories are about Rove and Plamegate. A search in the recent diary list turned up a mere 30+ diaries pertaining to Rove. I expect better.
We clearly have a breakdown in producing stories that I want to talk about. If DailyKos continues on this course, it will rapidly become irrelevant to ME.
Looking at the current recommended diaries, I see the following stories about issues that don't interest ME.
Is Anyone Watching the Subversion of Democracy NOW on CSPAN?
by KingOneEye
CSPAN? Who watches CSPAN. Boring people, that's who.
The Fear Gambit & Doubtful Credibility (Keith O. nails it)
by SusanHu
Fear? That's so FDR-era.
There is No God (And You Know It):
by A Rational Being
God? Jesus, what a frickin' old debate. Everyone knows He doesn't exist.
A Nobel Bush Won't Love
by Meteor Blades
Bush and the Nobel prize? I didn't realize this site was run by pointy-headed scientists.
Huge change in Iraq
by ksuwildkat
Iraq blah blah blah.
Being Bipolar
by pastordan
Is this a psychology site now?
Dialogue with Gov. Schweitzer - words of thanks and of hope
by Jerome a Paris
Schweitzer's diary is so yesterday.
Is Stagflation On the Horizon?
by bonddad
None of this is going to help us win 2006 unless you get back to ME and MY issues.
Obviously, we're seeing a complete and total failure to make this site all about ME and my interests. I welcome discussion about what can be done to rectify this situation.