This head-exploding article appeared in the January 28 edition of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. I was going to post it earlier, but thought Alito matters took precedence.
Now that we've been screwed on THAT particular issue, I wanted to bring this to your attention.
Allegheny County has until Tuesday (that's TODAY) to place an order for 5,600 touch-screen [DIEBOLD] voting machines or it risks forfeiting a deeply discounted purchase price, the county Board of Elections was told yesterday.
More vote fraud news below:
"Diebold Inc. of North Canton, Ohio, has offered to sell the machines, which resemble ATMs, to the county for $11.9 million, almost $4 million less than a price put forward by Election Systems and Software Inc."
and this....
"That price also is significantly lower than the $20 million set aside for new machines in the county's 2006 capital budget and could be covered almost entirely by a federal grant. Diebold officials told the county, however, that the $11.9 million price was guaranteed only until the end of the month." Hmmm...Can anyone say STRONG-ARMING?
here's the kicker:
"Both Mr. Onorato and County Council have said they want machines with paper trails, already a requirement in many states.
But Pennsylvania's Department of State, which oversees elections and must certify all voting machines, hasn't yet approved any touch-screen machines with that feature."
Fraud for all:
"As many as 20 counties in Pennsylvania also are considering joining Allegheny County in purchasing the machines.
The county elections board will reconvene Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. in the county Courthouse, Downtown."
Link to full article:
The article talks about voting rights activists saying if PA purchases these machines, we'll be the laughingstock of the country. Some pinhead administrator states in the article that she's sure Diebold could get these machines retro-fitted w/paper trail software before any election took place. Right.
You know, I'm getting really tired of yelling about each damn thing that comes down the pike.
Here's a novel notion: how about Onorato and crew find their spines and stand up for what's best for the country? Anyone want to take bets on whether that'll happen?