What is amazing about the
GOP.com publicity statements from Republican notables is that they don't even defend Rove!
Not a single Republican Congressperson or Senator will stand up and say Rove is innocent, or try to refute the evidence that has come out against him. They have weak, mealy-mouthed statements of support and attacks on Democrats, but no actual support for Rove.
NRSC Chairwoman Elizabeth Dole (R-NC): "The Partisan Attacks Against Karl Rove Are Out Of Control And Entirely Inappropriate. He Is A Distinguished Member Of The White House And He Is My Friend." (National Republican Senatorial Committee, "Elizabeth Dole Statement On Karl Rove," Press Release, 7/13/05)
Translation: Stop attacking Karl because the attacks have gotten intense. And because he's my friend.
* Dole: "It Is Incredibly Irresponsible For Individuals And Organizations To Make Accusations Based On Rumor And Innuendo. It Is Unfair To The Investigation And Even More Unfair To Karl Rove." (National Republican Senatorial Committee, "Elizabeth Dole Statement On Karl Rove," Press Release, 7/13/05)
Translation: Generally, making accusations based on rumor and inneundo are wrong. But I'm going to stop short of saying the specific accusations against Rove aren't based on facts.
Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN): "My Democratic Friends Would Be Doing The Nation A Great Service If They Spent Half As Much Time Getting Legislation Passed That Will Benefit The Country As They Do In Attacking Karl Rove." (Sen. Norm Coleman, Press Release, 7/13/05)
Translation: Stop attacking Rove because we have important work to do in the Senate. Not because the accusations aren't well-founded.
* Coleman: "We Have Enough To Do In The Senate In Minding Our Own Business Than To Be Sticking Our Noses Into Someone Else's Business. Everyone Needs To Cool The Rhetoric, Focus On The Business Of The People, And Allow The Investigation To Run Its Course." (Sen. Norm Coleman, Press Release, 7/13/05)
Translation: Ignore the evidence coming out of the investigation and wait for the conclusions, (hint: because then we can attack the the conclusions and not the actual evidence).
Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA): "I Don't See Any Evidence Out There That He Violated The Law.'' (Richard Keil and Holly Rosenkrantz, "Rove's Role In Spy Inquiry Reverberates Throughout Capital," Bloomberg, 7/12/05)
Ah, the hearty "no evidence (yet) that whatever unethical actions he did broke any law as far as I know" defense. Strong support -- maybe Santorum is researching whether Rove spent any time in Boston as an explanation for his behavior.
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT): "In All Honesty, The Facts Thus Far - And The E-Mail Involved - Indicate To Me That There Is Not A Problem Here..." (Jim VandeHei, "GOP On Offense In Defense Of Rove," The Washington Post, 7/13/05)
Hatch: "I Have Always Thought This Is A Tempest In A Teapot." (Jim VandeHei, "GOP On Offense In Defense Of Rove," The Washington Post, 7/13/05)
Another "well, I don't think this is a problem" defense. Strong support for Karl Rove??? Gimme a break! Well, if you say so, Mr. Hatch. But GOP on offense? Come on, this is a defense and a lame one at that!
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX): "If Anyone Thought The Anger And Political Sniping That Infested The Capital During The Campaign Would End After The Election, They Were Flat Wrong. Partisan Attacks In Lieu Of The Facts Have Replaced Ideas, Action And Cooperation." (Sen. John Cornyn, "Attacks On Rove `More Anger And Political Sniping,'" Press Release, 7/13/05)
* Cornyn: "Sadly, These Attacks Are More Of The Same Kind Of Anger And Lashing Out That Has Become The Substitute For Bipartisan Action And Progress. While Republicans Focus On Accomplishing An Ambitious Agenda For The American People, Some Democrats And Their Allies In The Hyper-Partisan Interest Groups Continue On Their Path Of Smear And Distract." (Sen. John Cornyn, "Attacks On Rove `More Anger And Political Sniping,'" Press Release, 7/13/05)
Translation: Stop attacking Rove, not because he's innocent, but because it adds to that icky partisan feeling in Washington.
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA): "I Support Karl Rove." (Tom Raum, "Newsview: CIA Leak Probe Focuses On Rove," The Associated Press, 7/13/05)
So do his floorboards, Senator Specter. But they have defended Rove's actions as much as you and your Republican collegues.
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL): "Karl Rove Is A Friend Who, By All Accounts, Is Fully Cooperating With The Investigation. He Has Been A Most Valuable Member Of President Bush's Team And Has Always Conducted Himself According To High Standards. It's Disappointing That Some Democrats Are Using An Ongoing Investigation To Try And Score Political Points. Instead Of Focusing On The People's Business, Democrats Are Prejudging An Incomplete Investigation And Doing Nothing More Than Mounting Partisan Political Attacks." (Sen. Jeff Sessions, "Statement Of U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions On Karl Rove," 7/13/05)
This is a terrific summary of the weak non-defense defenses above. Sessions has done his homework, but still couldn't manage to defend Rove's actions or assert he is innocent based on the facts.
...and the best one:
Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY): "Republicans Should Stop Holding Back And Go On The Offense: Fire Enough Bullets The Other Way Until The Supreme Court Overtakes." (Jim VandeHei, "GOP On Offense In Defense Of Rove," The Washington Post, 7/13/05)
Translation: We're not ashamed of it, we're coming out and saying it: we're going to stonewall and attack the people who present evidence, but not the evidence itself, until everyone forgets about this.