He is every where in this state. I just read his bio at his stupid "Independence Institute" web site, where he is the "chairman".
His bio said he went to college at some point, but did this guy even finish college?
Does it bother anyone that he got the job after Tancredo got elected?
Does it bother you that his "vote no, it's your dough" campaign has been funded by 1 rich GOP donor guy, and still Lynn Bartels quotes Caldara every day in the Rocky Mountain News?
Why does she do this? Who does Caldara speak for? He got only one big donation for $100,00 form only one Republican named Ed McVaney. Just one single guy in a state of millions, so why is Caldara in the paper every day, Lynn? He doesn't represent Colorado, he represents Mr. McVaney.
We should ask her--perhaps an action alert blog storm? On the record, I want her answer.
:: call to arms below ::
What authority does Caldara have? He is just a paid monkey hack. He's the guy who doesn't belong with the rich kids, but the rich kids exploit to laugh and use for their own means. Am I really that off here? We need to find out who gives Caldara his money and show Ms. Bartels that she shouldn't quote this guy, because he represent the voice of Coors and other wealthy GOoPs.
Why does he have a TV show on public television? He is blatant advocate, and partisan. Perhaps we should try to get him off of PBS.
Caldara is a lacky, lap dog to the would-be plutocrats who would turn our state's beauty into wasteland for a quick buck. He can have his radio show... if he gets ratings, then give him a voice.
But Rush Limbaugh isn't quoted as a source in the NY Times on national issues, and that's all Caldara is.
The Democrats in this state can play nice with this guy if they want, but we're the wacko-leftie netroots. They already think we're crazy, Move-on loving, Volvo driving communists from Vermont, so what harm can we do? We just need to get the truth out about how Caldara is just a paid hack by a few trust-fund kid Republicans.
Who is this guy? Who funds him? What are his qualifications? Why does Bartels not talk more about the division in the GOP on Ref C & D, and how Caldara represents a minority voice in the minority GOP, and is on the wrong side of the Governor as well? His stats are all lies (or blatant misrepresentations), but she reports them like facts.
Serious here people. I'm declaring war on this guy with the best weapon us Latte-drinking, health insurance for all wanting-leftists have: the truth.
We got Hick. We got Romanoff. If we pass C & D, we're going to rule this state in 2006, 2008, and beyond with an effective, responsive government that will be a model for the nation.
And showing Colorado what a fake and phony Caldara is could be the first step.
So are you with me?
Join the battle @ SoapBlox Colorado - the dKos of the Rocky Mountain State.