120 hours passed between Gov. Blanco issuing a State of Emergency & the Presidon't
speaking about the crisis.
96 hours between the federal State of Emergency & the Presidon't
speaking about the crisis.
53 hours between the breach of the levees & the Presidon't
speaking about the crisis.
Not acting, speaking.
Add 48 hours to the above to determine how long until the Presidon't visited the region.
So what took him only 33 hours to act upon in the middle of our nation's largest natural disaster?
Find out on the flip.
No, 33 hours wasn't how long it took him to get drunk & smash his new guitar. (The over/under the oddsmakers have on this is 11 days)
No, 33 hours wasn't how long he spent trying to spell catastrophe. (He's still trying while Rove is preparing attacks against Merriam-Webster to make the spelling easier)
Instead, it took our Presidon't only 33 hours after Rehnquist passed to nominate Roberts as Chief Justice of the SCOTUS.
The next time someone says he cares for the people of New Orleans, remind them of this disparaging difference: it took nearly three times as long for him to acknowledge a federal state of emergency was declared than it did for him to nominate Roberts as Chief Justice. He took almost half the time to nominate Roberts than he did between the levees breach and his first address of the catastrophe.
Any suggestions that he had his priorities in order during this crisis are smashed by the numbers faster than Jenna at an open bar.
If Senate Democrats have been leaning in favor of Robert's nomination, they should answer this simple question:
Do you believe the nomination of Roberts more important than saving the lives of thousands in Louisiana & Mississippi?
Presidon't Bush did.