The most offensive yet from all-slime, all-the-time
Robin Hayes...
Click here to see Robin Hayes lie.
This is a man with clearly bad internal polling. The Rovian effort here is to contort it to look like Larry Kissell is the guy running all the negative, bizarre and outrageous attack ads people are so sick of... so much so he was FINED for it. Of course, the dirty campaigner responsible for all the fuzzy sourced ads and push polls is none other than trailing, panicked Robin Hayes himself - the ONLY candidate running negative ads in North Carolina's 8th.
Kissell happily paid a $200 late fee way back before the primary for a mini-report filed after midnight. That
six month old FEC fine is the equivalent of returning a movie a day late to BlockBuster. So Hayes just spent $400,000 on air time to basically say his opponent kept DieHard II an extra night. I kid you not.
Of course, Kissell is fighting back. I love the smell of litigation and response ads in the morning. But as to what we can do, the Southern Dem at BlueNC has exactly the right idea. Take Robin Hayes lies and distortions directly to the press in massive numbers.
In addition to her excellent LTE print contact list though, let's add some more - The TV stations taking Robin Hayes dirty, DeLay, Duke, Ney and Foley money to run this trash into the living rooms of good folks in North Carolina.
Here they are in no particular order...
Melinda Holt in WSOC-TV sales at
Paul Briggs in WAXN-TV Action 64 sales at
Rick Casta, Sales Manager at 704-329-3696 or
General Sales Manager Gaston Bates, FOX Charlotte, at 704.632.7373 or
Local Sales Manager Annie Cordell, FOX Charlotte, at 704.632.7329 or
National Sales Manager Chris Gray, FOX Charlotte, at 704.632.7316 or
WBTV 3, Advertising Sales at (704) 374-3971
Chuck Ward, News 14 Sales Manager at or(919) 882-4006
Quinn Koontz, Director of Sales, WRAL 5 at or (919) 821-8666
Marian Bell, WRAL Sales Promotion Manager at or (919) 821-8655
Laura Stillman, WRAL National Sales Manager at or (919) 821-8791
Dave Lyles, Local Sales Manager WRAL at or (919) 821-8659
Tim Alwran, General Sales Manager WTVD-TV at (919)683-1111 ext 274 or
Andy Lashbrooke, Local Sales Manager WTVD-TV at (919)683-1111 ext 401 or
Michelle Robinson Harper, National Sales Manager WTVD-TV at (919)683-1111 ext 404 or
Evelyn Booker, FOX 50 at (919) 595.5151 or
WFMY 2 (Greensboro) Sales & Advertising at 336-379-5729
Let them know how ya feel about that.
Of course, we still have to give to get the newest response ad up and keep it up. I REALLY liked the last one. Factual, positive, hard hitting... and banjo music.
Let's take our country back!