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- Please then return to this window, and read this diary.
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And now, on to the diary.
May 26, 2002
I am progressive. I am liberal. I make no apologies. I believe government has an obligation to create an even playing field for all of this country's citizens and immigrants alike. I am not a socialist. I do not seek enforced equality. However, there has to be equality of opportunity, and the private sector, left to its own devices, will never achieve this goal.
June 9, 2006
It's one thing to talk about people-powered politics. It's another to see it in action.
We were born in 2002, and sort of gingerly set out into this brave new world. None of us expected to be more than a lonely voice shouting into the wilderness. But liberal blogs grew rapidly, proving there was a desperate need for strong progressive voices in this country. That was 2002.
Look at this conference! It's the epitome of people-power. It was organized by volunteers, without impetus from a traditional "leader". We now have the ability to support leaders wherever they may be. Leaders that would never have a chance in the traditional world of establishment politics or media. Like Gina Cooper, who was a one-woman force of nature in making this conference happen.
Who was Gina Cooper? A former teacher from Tennessee? And how did that make her qualified to plan something of this magnitude?
Of course it didn't. No more so than I was "qualified" to write about politics.
No more so than an organic farmer named Jon Tester from nowhere Montana is "qualified" to be a United States Senator.
But people-power is a wonderful thing. Everyone can be a leader. Everyone can be a strong voice. Everyone can make a difference. There has been far too much talent, far too much passion, far too much intelligence in this country marginalized by the establishment currently stinking up Washington D.C.
October 3, 2006
We're pleased to announce that the second annual YearlyKos Convention will take place August 2–5, 2007 at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois.
December 15, 2006
- . . 2. . . 1. . . The YearlyKos Convention website is officially LAUNCHED and sent into Cyberspace!
DUM dum DUM dum DUM dum DUM dum DUM dum DUM dum DUM dum
[Orchestra swells]
Curtain rises.

Oh, and here's the website:
I know, I know, it looks suspiciously professional. Like it was designed by actual professional website developers.
As opposed to last year, where the YearlyKos Convention website was, well, like a elderly mutt that could no longer see straight, or do much of anything other than lie panting in the sun, but because it's cute and lovable and because it’s your dog, you’re going to pet it anyway.
Well, that’s because it was, in fact, designed by professional website developers. In every respect, this site was put together in exactly the same way as a website for a Fortune 500 corporation, or a massive non-profit empire like, with one minor difference.
Nobody got paid to do it.
So a big thanks to terminal3, who was IN CHARGE (well, Gina is really in charge, but I think terminal3 was at least under the illusion that he was in charge of setting up the website). Terminal3 is also in charge of "Information Architecture," and "Drupal." Hmmm. . .Drupal? I thought "Drupal" was a currency used in a South Asian country (Bangladesh?) But, apparently, it has something to do with the site.
Then there’s wvillmike and Sinator, who did most of the writing. So if you find yourself involuntarily cracking up at the most unexpected times while reading the site, like here:
Also, please be advised that the CATEGORY you choose greatly matters, as this decides where your query goes. We would hate for a media member to get lost in the shuffle, for example, or a volunteer to accidentally become a keynote speaker. Thank you in advance for your thoughts, participation and general interest.
Credit wvillmike and Sinator.
And then the design and logo – the clean lines, the predominance of white space, the star in the YearlyKos, the overall pleasing looks and feel – credit Mary R (she doesn’t have a UserID, but we're working on her[UPDATE -- OK, she does have a UID -- ALinSF]). It’s great to have a real artist on board, when you’re designing a website, especially one who doesn’t insist on getting paid!
Credit also needs to go to the rest of the YearlyKos team, most of whom you know from last year. I would list them all, but I’m sure I’d forget someone, and then I’d have an enemy. And I don't want that! However, I can point out that Sterno and Nolan were key contributors who helped make this all happen.
Anyway, click the link for the new website, and start exploring. There’s a lot of material there. And don't forget to add it to your bookmarks and sign up for an account -- you can still get a low UID!
Exhausted from the excitement yet? I hope not, because there's more!
Note: By now, Strauss's Thus Spake Zarathustra has likely ended. If you need a second wind, go back to the top of this diary and repeat the instructions.
You can now register for the Convention! (That's why this diary is titled, "Registration Launch"). Click the link here and register. As you'll notice, there are several different levels of registration. I encourage all of you who can afford to do so to contribute at a high level. We are still fledgling organization, one that cannot afford to pay people to build a website, and one that, as it did last year, will face budgetary challenges as it tries to pull off everything planned for the August extravaganza in Chicago.
And we have a lot planned. Needless to say, with last year's sucess, and with our higher profile, YearlyKos 2007 is going to be bigger and better than YearlyKos 2006. In addition to the full panoply of panel discussions, keynote speeches, and extracurricular events that we had in Las Vegas, we have a number of other top shelf events in the works, including, but not limited to, a film screening series, the release of a scholarly netroots journal, and an event still shrouded in mystery which may very possibly involve some of the presidential candidates.
So, there should be no DEBATE that YearlyKos 2007 is the must-attend event of 2007. There simply will be nothing else like it, anytime or anywhere.
And if you're still shopping for Holiday presents (oops, sorry Fox News, I meant Christmas presents), there is no better gift for your friend or loved one than a brand new registration for YearlyKos. I plan to gift several!
Finally, if money is tight for you, the best time to sign up is now. The rates are likely to go up after January 31, and before then you can take advantage of a special student and low-income rate that is only available now. For those of you who are more affluent, we ask you not to register at the lower rate, but to at least register at the standard rate, or at a higher rate. The lower rate is meant for students and others who have financial challenges. Of course, there will no penalty to you for signing up at the lower rate, even if you are in good shape financially, or even if you are Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. We're working on the honor system here, and the honor system only, and we ask that you respect that.
So register. And buy some Holiday (oops-Christmas) presents for your friends and relatives. It's this year's Tickle-Me-Elmo!
Whew! I'm getting tired! How about you? Let's take a break and gaze at the Chicago skyline.

Ahhhh -- now my batteries are recharged.
Back to work. So would you like to be a YearlyKos Convention sponsor? If so, now's your chance! The YearlyKos Convention is simply not possible without the support of our generous sponsors. For 2007, we have expanded the number of sponsorship opportunities we can offer. Last year’s generous benefactors enjoyed an almost obscene amount of media and community exposure. This year, we already have several commitments (including the National Education Association and the Huffington Post!), and many interested parties, so don't hesitate to contact us soon. We can’t wait to work with you.
If you'd like to be a sponsor, click here.
In addition, I've been told that Size DOES Matter. Specifically, the size of our Exhibit Hall. Last year, interest in becoming an exhibitor at the YearlyKos Convention was so great that we had to create a waiting list for space. And that's when no one on Capital Hill would return our phone calls! So this year we will have a larger Exhibit Hall. Definitely take advantage and get your company or organization in front of some active and passionate progressives.
If you would like information about being an Exhibitor, click here.
Another note. The hits keep on coming! For those of you who liked last year's YearlyKos Convention auctions, supervised by the dynamic Hyperbolic Pants Explosion How can you not be dynamic with a name like Hyperbolic Pants Explosion?, the YearlyKos Convention auction will return, most likely in January. And if you'd like to donate something for the auction, contact auctions at yearlykosconvention dot org.
Finally, finally, finally, and perhaps most importantly, we need YOUR donations. Last year, the YearlyKos Convention would not have been possible without generous donations from the Daily Kos community. It simply would. . . not. . . have . . . happened. Fortunately, we conducted several community fundraising drives, and succeeded in hitting our target in every . . . single. . . one.
This year, the situation is the same. We simply will not be able to put on the convention, much less all the new events we have planned, without your generous financial support.
So, with that in mind, we humbly ask you to make a donation to fund this effort. Our goal is $15,000. By December 29. We can do it. But we need your help.
To donate, please click here.
Thank you!
One last note, unConventional, the photo journal of YearlyKos 2006, will be ready soon. Real soon. For a preview, click here.