Those howls of anguish that you may have heard from the East Coast yesterday were me...watching yet another Democratic Senator struggle on TV with countering the incessant "Cut and Run."
What is the problem with these guys? Kerry at least tried "Lie and Die," but it isn't part because it doesn't say what we want to do.
As much as I can't believe it, the Rethugs will repeat "Cut and Run" a million times, as they did during the campaign, and it will probably work, because the Dems don't appear to understand the power of taglines in the age of soundbites.
Yes, unbelieveable, but true.
So, I propose something that just brings together several that have already been used and tested. I firmly believe this will work....they just need to be said again and again and again...
Here's the script. It has three sentences, which can be used together, in any pair, or individually:
"'Cut and Run' is an insult to the many American military people who think the Iraq war is a disaster.
"We can't 'Stay the Course'...because the course is going over a cliff.
"We need to 'Change the Course.'"
If you only have one soundbite, say "Change the Course" again and again.
I know this will work. But, at any rate, we have to beat them at the tag game.