Wow, I'm so glad I live in Texas. NOT.
Those Young Conservative Texans certainly benefited from Gov., now preznit Bush's education reforms. They roll play in order to learn right-wing agenda, by playing the "Catch the Illegal Immigrant" game on the University of North Texas campus. How much is it per year to go there?
"They called it "Capture the Illegal Immigrant" and decided to make a game of it. Spread throughout campus would be members of the Young Conservatives of Texas wearing bright orange T-shirts that read "Illegal Immigrant" in big black text. YCT officers, in blue T-shirts and stationed at their booth near the Student Union, would call to passing students--with a bullhorn if necessary--telling them they could "help secure the economy" by finding their orange-shirted compatriots. Once captured, the "immigrant" would inform the capturer of President Bush's flawed work program, the one that could allow illegal immigrants to gain a documented "temporary worker status" in the United States. But because we live in a post-September 11 world, the orange-shirted men and women would mention, too, how our porous borders enable terrorists to carry out their plots. Oh, and in exchange for one's efforts, wouldn't it be cool, they thought, if a capturer received a 100 Grand candy bar, which represented the economic drain illegal immigrants bring upon our country?"