From OutFront Minnesota, the state's primary LGBT rights organization:
Today's introduction of an extreme and divisive effort to amend the State Constitution to bar any form of legal recognition for same-sex couples reveals that this is about far more than marriage, says Ann M. DeGroot, Executive Director of OutFront Minnesota, the state's leading direct service and public policy agency serving the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community.
"Not content with mandating government discrimination in marriage, this proposal goes much further, confirming what we've said all along: this is more about attacking same-sex couples for political gain than about presenting a so-called 'defense of marriage,'" declared DeGroot. "The State's public policy goals in the area of family-promotion are not advanced by exiling families from the protection of the law."
Here is the text of the amendment:
Only the union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as marriage in Minnesota. Any other relationship shall not be recognized as a marriage or its legal equivalent. (emphasis added)
Looks like they're going to try and ban any recognition of same-sex families. Legal analysts should probably weigh in, but it would seem the "or its legal equivalent" could ban any form of domestic partnership as well.
OutFront has the text, as well as a list of the sponsors here. Their action center has links for how to contact these and other legislators.