I have posted diaries on biased
Chicago Tribune writing
here and
The latest editorial claims Bush has a 58% approval rating and that his popularity has been steady since July. See below.
Please contact Don Wycliff, dwycliff@tribune.com, the public editor, and raise the issue of the editorial board being biased. Contacting them nudges their sense of shame. It helps.
Chicago Tribune January 21, 2004
lead editorial
Bush's blind spot
George W. Bush began his State of the Union speech Tuesday night looking like a confident president who relishes how popular he is among Americans. By the time he finished speaking, though, he hadn't adequately addressed the most dangerous blind spot of his presidency. That failure creates a vulnerability Bush can't afford in an election year as voters evaluate the otherwise good job he's done.
No, that last phrase isn't just a newspaper praising a politician whose candidacy it endorsed. That is, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll published Tuesday, how most Americans view their president. His approval ratings stands at 58 percent, roughly where is has been since July--remarkably high for any president at this point in this first term.