Someone signed me up (spammed) me to a "prayer devotional list" and this guy spews abotu Halloween being evil, and that rejecting war is rejecting god, Micahel Moore is a liar, Kerry wants to kill babies... etc. While I know this guy is a lost cause, it is fascinating the insanity of this person.
Here is the exchange thus far (below the fold)...
On Oct 14, 2004, at 8:03 PM, wrote:
If this devotional is a blessing to you, maybe you have a friend or family member that would like to start receiving this daily word. You can forward this to them, and they can use the following link to subscribe.
(Isaiah 43:10, Acts 18:9,10, Titus 2:15)
"I prayed the prayer and want to receive information. Thank
you, Jesus for my dear friend Laurie who sent the Live Prayer regarding Christopher Reeve's death. I Thank Jesus for opening my heart today. Today is my decision to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior. " ......PRAISE GOD!!! I am so excited to report over 1,000 people we know of accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior from the Devotional on Wednesday, "Is Superman in Hell?" The Heavens rejoice over these lost one's who will be forever with their Lord!
HALLOWEEN (Part 2 of 2)
A Christian's response to Halloween. As I was in prayer last year
about Halloween and what God wanted me to share during that time, part of my focus was on satan and how he operates. The Bible calls him an "angel of light." He is a great imitator. He takes the perfection of God and perverts it. So as I was praying, God poured into my spirit that it is time for Christians worldwide to rise up on the most important day of the year for satan, Halloween, and claim that day for God!
The first step, is to make it a special day for Christians
worldwide. If Hallmark cards and candy companies can make up holidays to sell greeting cards and chocolate, why can't the church? I am proud to announce that until our Lord returns, October 31st will now be "Witnessing for Jesus Day."
This holiday was started last year by the 2 million worldwide who are part of Liveprayer, and we will continue to promote it as well as follow through to make this a legitimate, recognized holiday every October 31st!
The goal is for Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ with
at least 3 people during the day. If every Christian worldwide shared their faith in Christ with 3 people, it would literally turn the world upside down over night. The world will be "witnessing" their rebellion of God with their Halloween parties, their costumes, and satanic services. THIS IS THEPERFECT DAY for Christians to witness to this lost world that we live in, that Jesus Christ is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life."
What else can Christians do on our new holiday? PLENTY! Every
community needs churches to put on "Hell House" or "Judgment House" productions to counter the haunted houses the world promotes. Make sure your home is well lit and inviting for children out trick-or-treating. In addition to candy, give them a gospel tract or a little Gospel of John booklet. Also, pray with each group of kids before they leave. Your church should have the resources to get tracts and the Gospel of John booklets at a very low cost. NO CHILD SHOULD COME TO YOUR HOME AND LEAVE WITHOUT KNOWING THAT JESUS IS LORD!
For those with children, take them out trick-or-treating! Have them dress up as Bible characters. Let them go door to door for candy, BUT, in return for the candy, they should give the homeowner a tract or a Gospel of John booklet. GOD CAN USE THESE CHILDREN TO HELP SPREAD THE MESSAGE OF CHRIST TO PEOPLE THAT WILL NEVER GO TO CHURCH!!!
Churches, instead of holding an alternative to Halloween party at
the church, should get the children involved in evangelizing their
neighborhoods! They have the perfect excuse to go door to door on this night. God can use these children to share the hope and love of Christ with people that will never hear the message any other way. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE HOW GOD CAN USE THE CHILDREN ON THIS NIGHT!!!
So, let's review. We now have a new Christian holiday. It is,
"Witnessing for Jesus Day," and will be celebrated every year on October 31st. It will be a day for Christians worldwide to witness to others what Jesus Christ has done in their life. We will have churches in every community putting on "Hell House" or "Judgment House" productions as an alternative to the haunted house productions of the world. Christians will make their homes inviting for children out trick-or-treating, and in addition to candy, give them a Gospel Tract or Gospel of John booklet. Children of ALL AGES will become mighty witnessing agents for the Lord. They will dress up as Bible characters and go out into their neighborhoods to get candy, BUT, will give the homeowner a Gospel tract or Gospel of John booklet.
I love you and care about you so much. There is no reason a
Christian should have to fear Halloween, nor is there any reason a Christian should have to participate in the way the world celebrates Halloween. It actually is a perfect opportunity to go on the offensive and make this a day to celebrate witnessing our faith to this lost and dying world. What better day than the day the world celebrates rebelling against God, HALLOWEEN!!!
I will be praying for you. I pray that you become bold and part of the second annual "Witnessing for Jesus Day." For the Christian, sharing our faith is not an option, but is a commandment from God. It is something that we should be doing EVERY day. But there is no better day of the year for Believers worldwide to share their faith in Jesus Christ with this lost world. THAT my friend, needs to be a Christians' response to Halloween!!!
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller
If I can help you in any way you can contact me through my personal
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©Copyright 2004, Bill Keller Ministries. All rights reserved
My first reply:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Fri. 10-15-2004)
I never signed up for your daily devotional. Apparently someone
signed me up as a gag or sold you my email address.
Very weird.
So you think Halloween is evil...?
You really believe there are demons and invisible creatures...?
Do you believe there are goblins...?
What about zombies...?
It seems very scary that such things would be real.
Are they real...?
Mitch Gore
Bill Keller's first reply:
On Oct 15, 2004, at 5:40 AM, Bill Keller wrote:
try reading your Bible my friend.
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
My second response:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller"
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Fri. 10-15-2004)
I have read the bible.. but you haven't answered my questions.
Why is that?
Do you really believe there are demons and invisible creatures...?
Do you believe there are goblins...?
What about zombies...?
Are they real...?
Mitch Gore
His second reply:
On Oct 15, 2004, at 9:04 AM, Bill Keller wrote:
read the Bible is true..
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
My third reply:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Fri. 10-15-2004)
Still avoiding my questions... how odd.
Why can't you answer simple questions?
Why is that?
Do you really believe there are demons and invisible creatures...?
Do you believe there are goblins...?
What about zombies...?
Are they real...?
Your inability to answer simple direct questions gives the impression you have none.
Is this the case?
...and for the third time, I have read the bible. Which is not an
answer to my questions to you.
Mitchell Gore
His third reply:
the answer to your question is in the Bible..I don't waste my
time..casting pearls before swine my the Bible..THAT is your answer..You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
My forth reply:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Fri. 10-15-2004)
Hello Bill,
So you can't answer my questions?
Again, I have read the bible, cover to cover on more than one occasion, and I am quite certain that Bill Keller, and wether or not he believes zombies are real, is not in it.
So I am a bit confused as to why you think the answers to my simple questions to YOU are to be found in the bible.
I thank you for the prayers you keep saying you are giving me, I would hope though, instead of spending your time praying for me, you would instead pray for the victims of war which our nation is waging on another nation (Iraq) which, by the way, has never once attacked us.
I would hope you would be spending your time praying for those who are hungry, that they receive food and shelter. I would hope that you pray for the poor whose hardships have become heavier while tax cuts for billionaires are given away under this administration.
I am pretty sure that is the sort of prayers that Jesus would want his followers to be making instead of refusing to answer simple honest questions, and praying for someone whom you compare to mindless pigs for asking simple direct questions.
That is certainly where my concerns and focus in life are.
Mitchell Gore (aka mindless pig)
His forth reply:
On Oct 16, 2004, at 11:29 AM, Bill Keller wrote:
..the bible is God's inspired..inerrant Word..representing absolute truth..and our final authority in all matters..I don't waste my time answering mindless questions from those who live their lives in rebellion to God..if you have read God's already know the have chosen to reject God's which case..that is your problem..though..I can see you think every lie that comes form the mouth of that lost fool Michael Moore is true..LOL!!!..why don't you go ask 60 million Iraqis who are for the first time in 40 years living in FREEDOM how they feel today....and I guess you are one of those people who think that someone who thinks that people should be penalized for being successful..not sure where that came into play in the American well..and give all your money to the govt so they can squander I said..pearls before swine..go watch your F.9-11 DVD for the 100th time..LOL.. should be reading the Bible..since THAT is what will save you..not Mikey Moore and his hatred..You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed, Bill Keller
My fifth reply:
On Oct 16, 2004, at 11:29 AM, Bill Keller wrote:
Hey Bill,
You still can't see, because of that log in your eye.
You still ducking questions, making anti-Christian false arguments.
You still can't accept the fact that you advocate war instead of peace.
You still can't see that you back an administration that attacked a nation that never once attacked ours.
You still can't see that you back a false leader who deceives and lies, and does things 100% the opposite of the teachings which you claim to support.
What is exceedingly odd is, you scream like a lunatic about non-sequitors such as Michael Moore (who is a Christian btw), which is wholly irrelevant to what I have asked you. Instead you bloviate as if waging war is compatible with what you claim to believe. The fact that you trot out the false argument that rejecting the deceptions of waging war against a nation of people that has never attacked us, is rejecting "the word of god" is beyond pathetic. You seem to think god = war, and that war is in service of god. You obviously reject the central tenets of the faith you claim to believe.
That you believe that Bush his war is in service of God, should give you pause to really look at what and who you are serving. It certainly is the opposite of what Jesus taught. The Gospel of Jesus is the Gospel of Peace, there is no way in the New Testament to justify any bloody War... it is difficult to justify even the just, defensive war if one takes seriously the message of the Sermon on the Mount, which is the heart of the Gospel (Mat.5:28-42).
For a Christian, the answer to any war must be to "turn the other cheek"...To Peter, and to you and me, Jesus said: "Put your sword back in its place", because Jesus will bring the sword, Jesus will take care of you, because "vengeance is mine," says the Lord (Mat.5:39, 26:52, Rom.12:19).
That you think that helping the poor is "penalizing the rich" is a clear indication that you are a brainwashed Pharisee, following a false ideology of a deceiver, and certainly not the things that were advocated by Jesus.
Whose taxes would Jesus want to cut...the rich or the poor?
And again you still refuse to answer the questions about whether you, Bill Keller, believe zombies and goblins are real.
You still refuse to answer how you can even begin to claim to believe in the teachings of Jesus, and the inherency of the bible, yet back war and giving tax cuts to the wealthy which hurts the poor.
Your a parroting the mindless propaganda of a false deceiver, not that which you claim to embrace...the teachings of Christ.
Mitchell Gore (aka mindless swine)
BTW the population if Iraq is 25,374,691 not 60 million.
His fifth reply:
On Oct 16, 2004, at 11:31 AM, Bill Keller wrote: if you don't like the war..go email Pres. Bush..not me..or get your buddies to vote for Kerry..just what we need as President..a guy who supports killing babies..the funny thing are worried about us defending ourselves from those who want to kill support the idiots who condone the killing of several million babies every year..great values..but hey..when you are haven't got a clue..that is obvious. You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed, Bill Keller
My sixth repy:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller" <>
Sent: October 16, 2004 2:31:51 PM PDT
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Fri. 10-15-2004)
Hey Bill,
I don't like war, neither should any Christian. So why do you back a deceiver like Bush who wages war on a people that have never attacked us?
Kerry doesn't support killing babies. That is why after what he saw in Vietnam he opposed the war. You seem to be confusing Bush, who likes war, with people who don't like war.
But you still refuse to address my questions, and you continue to spew anti-Christian teachings that war is ok. And back a President who wages war.
You also STILL refuse to answer simple direct questions, like do you believe in goblins, do you believe in zombies... funny how you can never answer ANY question and instead falsely hide behind the bible and spout mindless rhetoric that is 180 degrees opposite from what you claim to believe.
Why is that?
Whose taxes would Jesus lower, the rich or the poor?
Who did Jesus say you should bomb?
You see, I know those answers and that is why you run form them. because you run from the faux devotion to the teachings of Christ you claim to follow, but do the opposite of.
Why do you do that?
Mitchell Gore (aka mindless pig according to you)
His sixth reply:
On Oct 16, 2004, at 2:14 PM, Bill Keller wrote:
LOL..every once in a while..for amusement..I actually respond to a mindless email like I received form you..just so I never forget how lost..confused..and deceived the world is..but hey..when you follow shouldn't be a surprise..the funniest of those who supposedly tout the words of Jesus..who have absolutely NON clue what they are talking in utter rebellion to what Jesus taught..let me give you some help here buddy..start with John 3:16..if you are so enamored with what Jesus says..start there..otherwise..the rest is meaningless..since you are lost in the turmoil of this hopeless world..and can't see the big picture.. are the classic support for why JESUS said not to cast pearls before swine..swine have no spiritual understanding..
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
My seventh reply:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller" <>
Sent: October 16, 2004 2:57:22 PM PDT
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Fri. 10-15-2004)
Hey Bill,
interesting that you mock me, and still refuse to answer ANY of the questions I have asked you, yet answered the one you put to me.
I find it VERY odd that you claim to know the teachings of Jesus yet every aspect of your replies to my questions show that you know absolutely nothing of the meaning of, or substance of what Jesus taught in the gospels, and in fact you advocate the opposite of them.
You refuse to answer simple direct questions.
I know what John 3:16 says and is another dodge by you, since believing in Jesus is not at all addressing the specific things which Jesus taught that those who believe in him must do to be right with god.
Whose taxes would Jesus want to cut...the rich or the poor?
What did Jesus say to do to your enemies (which btw are not the Iraqi's, though the president you support wages war on them)...?
Why can't you answer those simple direct questions?
Why do you falsely hide behind the bible and spout rhetoric which is 180 degrees the opposite of what Jesus said in the gospels?
You can continue to deny it, but you are parroting the rhetoric of a false and deceiving leader. You spout things which are in opposition to what the gospels, which you claim to hold as in errant, directly told you to do.
Why is that?
Dismiss what I say all you like, but you do so in direct contravention of what you claim to hold sacred.
Care to actually address my questions, or are you going to simply continue to spout false political rhetoric which is anti-Christian...?
Mitchell Gore (aka mindless pig according to you)
BTW, the Iraqi population figure I cited was from March of 2004, George Bush and his war against a nation that never attacked us (which you apparently think is what god wants, though why you falsely believe that I will never know), has killed an estimated 15,000 people since then.
His seventh reply:
On Oct 16, 2004, at 3:49 PM, Bill Keller wrote:
the first part of the word assume is ass...I have never said I back Pres. Bush..or ANY candidate..and yes..Kerry has voted for EVERY abortion bill ever presented to him..abortion is KILLING BABIES..and I have no interest in answering any of your questions..I have already wasted more than enough of my valuable time with you..the fact ask the wrong are worried about the wrong thing buddy..your eternal soul should be your worry..
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
His eighth reply (before I could reply to his seventh reply):
On Oct 16, 2004, at 3:50 PM, Bill Keller wrote: are worried about the wrong things..better worry about where you will spend eternity..that is something you can actually control..
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
My eigth reply, in response to his seventh:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller"
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 4:11:06 PM PDT
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Sat. 10-16-2004)
Hey Bill,
That's odd, you were defending Bush's war in Iraq. But your non-denial, denial is bemusing if nothing else. BTW, the number of abortions have gone UP under Bush, not down (like they did under Clinton).
BTW, abortion is not "killing babies" that is your baseless belief (so on that we will have to agree to disagree) and please cite a single "abortion bill" Kerry voted FOR in his entire life. Though I find your dodge and playing hop-scotch form one issue to another with addressing them bemusing if nothing else.
But your refusal to answer any of the questions out to you speaks volumes of the utter bankruptcy of your non-arguments on anything. You parrot mindless anti-Christian pabulum, backing war, fiscal policy that hurts the poor and favors the rich, all in direct opposition to the belief you calmly claim to uphold. You are a modern day Pharisee.
I need not worry about my eternal soul, I don't back war, favoring the rich over the poor, befouling the earth, and on and on. You can choose to not address the questions which expose your hypocrisy and false claims of following the teachings of Jesus all you want, but your silence if deafening and, is exposed for all to see... (yes many people are reading this exchange).
Mitchell Gore (aka the mindless pig in your view)
p.s. back to the original question, which is a yes or you believe in goblins?
My ninth reply, in response to his eighth:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller"
Sent: October 16, 2004 4:22:18 PM PDT
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Sat. 10-16-2004)
Hey Bill,
I need not worry about my soul...
I am however, worried about war, poverty and doing what is right to help solve those problems. However given your anti-Christiran rhetoric and support of positions which are 180 opposite form that of Jesus, makes one wonder why you are not worried about your soul.
Would Jesus bomb a country that never attacked us...?
Would Jesus hurt the poor by cutting taxes on the rich?
Why can you never address those questions?
I know they answer. you don't seem to, and instead run from them and support positions of bombing people, and giving tax cuts to the rich at the expense of the poor.
How do you reconcile those positions with what Jesus said in the Gospel that you should do...?
Mitchell Gore (aka the mindless pig in your view)
His ninth reply:
On Oct 16, 2004, at 4:18 PM, Bill Keller wrote:
LOL..hey Mitch..go play in the chatrooms..I don't waste my time answering
mindless questions..if you really want to read this..
..just goes to prove you that you aren't right about anything..and abortion is not killing babies???..LOL..really..what is taking a dump???....I love heathens..that are so worried about war..yet have no problem with slaughtering innocent babies..quote Jesus..but don't live by a single word He says..and I could care less how many people read this..since over 2 million people subscribe to my Daily Devotionals..and read them every day..many of them just like you Mitch..lost..without hope..fortunately..many of them wake up before it is too I ask the wrong should be worried about being cast into the lake of fire for play in the chatrooms...I am sure you will find many there to answer your foolish quests..I gave you the only answer you need..John
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
My 10th reply:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller"
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 4:36:16 PM PDT
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Sat. 10-16-2004)
Hey Bill,
Regarding your suggestion about playing in chat-rooms, no thanks. I would rather read you actually answer questions instead of ducking them and constantly trying to change the issue instead of answering the simple questions you run from, because you are a modern Pharisee spouting anti-Christian, mindless rhetoric.
As for abortions, no, prior to 22 weeks gestation, they do not "kill a baby" any more than having a kidney removed is "killing a person" (though you obviously and mindlessly think otherwise). After that, abortion can and only should be performed to save the life and health of the mother.
I love how you ignorantly claim I am a "heathen" because I embrace the central teachings of Jesus, unlike you who embraces the opposite of what Jesus said.
I sincerely doubt your "daily devotional" numbers, but do hope you actually begin to teach what Jesus has to say about war and poverty instead of the mindless ant-Christian drivel you have displayed in these email exchanges with me.
Your John 3:16 non-answer is no answer to the questions put to you.
Would Jesus bomb a country that never attacked us...?
Would Jesus hurt the poor by cutting taxes on the rich?
Why can you never address those questions?
I know they answer. you don't seem to, and instead run from them and support positions of bombing people, and giving tax cuts to the rich at the expense of the poor.
How do you reconcile those positions with what Jesus said in the Gospel that you should do...?
Mitchell Gore (aka the mindless pig in your view)
His 10th:
On Oct 16, 2004, at 4:24 PM, Bill Keller wrote:
LOL..a flipping Dean blogger!!!.ROTFLOL!!!..I knew you were a patheticc
message board junkie!!!..LOL!!..thanks for the good is Howei doign these days??..LOL!!!!!!!!! know what a blogger is??..a wannabe who can't get anyone to read what he writes otherwise..go start a website..zand see if you can get 2 million people worldwide to subscribe to what you write..than come talk to me..what a joke..
ps..if you don't think abortion is murder..I'll be happy to send you some videos of an abortion..and you tell me..I doubt you have kids..but if abortion is not murder..I guess it is ok to kill one of your children?? libs are so pathetic..and a wonder this nation is sinking into a spiritual marriage..slaughtering innocent babies..that is OK..God will be speaking soon..PRINT THAT....too bad you are so lost you will be one of those swept into eternal damnation..
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
My 10th reply:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller"
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 4:52:32 PM PDT
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Sat. 10-16-2004)
Hey Bill,
Is that Ned Flander's speak?
Since you ask though, Howard Dean is doing very well, working very hard to ensure a Kerry victory, and is energizing the get out the vote effort for the Democratic party. Thanks for asking.
I do have kids, and your very sad attempts to puff up your importance by denigrating a blog is bemusing in its 3rd grade level of emotional maturity. As for sending me videos, no need. Have actually been in the room during an abortion and I am also well educated on the topic.
Funny you should mention gay marriage though.
I will don't $1000 dollars to any charity you wish if you can cite a single instance where Jesus mentions anything about non-heterosexuality.
If not, will you donate $1000 dollar to the Human Rights Campaign...?
BTW, Jesus was a IBERAL or did you not get that from the bible?
Still, your non-answers are no answers to the questions put to you.
Would Jesus bomb a country that never attacked us...?
Would Jesus hurt the poor by cutting taxes on the rich?
Why can you never address those questions?
I know they answer. you don't seem to, and instead run from them and support positions of bombing people, and giving tax cuts to the rich at the expense of the poor.
How do you reconcile those positions with what Jesus said in the Gospel that you should do...?
Mitchell Gore (aka the mindless pig in your view)
p.s. love the "print that" dramatic hope you get around to answering the questions and stop spouting drivel that is against what Jesusu taught though.
His 11th:
On Oct 16, 2004, at 4:26 PM, Bill Keller wrote:
you better worry about your soul..the things you are worried about will be meaningless when you die..and are cast into eternity..if you want to quote Jesus..quote ALL of Jesus..start with John 3:16..funny how you pick and choose what you like..and don't like..about what He said..what IS JESUS SAID>>YOU MITCHELL>>ARE LOST>>AND WITHOUT HOPE>>you are nothing but a political can't do anything about the war..or taxes..or anything can do something about your advice..that is what you better be thinking about
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
My 11th reply:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller"
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:00:44 PM PDT
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Sat. 10-16-2004)
Hey Bill,
Sorry, war, poverty and how I treat my fellow human being are precisely what is important and what, according to gospels, you will be judged by. You are the one who is rejecting what Jesus taught. I am not "picking and choosing" anything. You are DIRECTLY ignoring what Jesus taught. You Bill, are the one who is directly rejecting what Jesus SPECIFICALLY told you to do.
You are a modern day Pharisee, and one who is parroting things which are DIRECTLY against and opposite of what Jesus taught.
Would Jesus bomb a country that never attacked us...?
Would Jesus hurt the poor by cutting taxes on the rich?
Why can you never address those questions?
I know they answer. you don't seem to, and instead run from them and support positions of bombing people, and giving tax cuts to the rich at the expense of the poor.
How do you reconcile those positions with what Jesus said in the Gospel that you should do...?
Mitchell Gore (aka the mindless pig in your view)
His 12th:
On Oct 16, 2004, at 4:44 PM, Bill Keller wrote:
go away you mindless blogger..LOL!!!..a Dean blogger..I should have up to 22 weeks..that "baby" is not living?..and it is nothing more than a kidney?..LOL!!!..outstanding!!!! better start with what Jesus said about LIFE ..I love you libs..worry about a terrorist who gets killed..but killing problem..oh..that is right..they are just "kidneys"..what a piece of want answers to your questions...come to my office..face to face...I don't deal with mindless bloggers...I will answer any of your for you doubting the number of those who subscribe to the Daily Devotional..if you think I care what a blogger who thinks a baby is a kidney are are in for a rude awakening..the moment you die..andstnad before I said worry about the wrong things..btw..I will be letting my techs know to block your IP addy from our servers..I have spent more far too much of my valuable time with least when you die you can't say nobody told you..
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
My 12th reply:
From: "Mitchell Gore"
To: "Bill Keller"
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:10:00 PM PDT
Subject: Re: daily devotional (Sat. 10-16-2004)
Go away...?
I am right in my home, if you want to stop dodging the questions put to you, which you are utterly incapable of answering, and simply run away by not replying, your choice. But don't complain to me if you keep responding. If you want to stop corresponding, you could ask politely and I would be more than happy to oblige.
As for the 22 week threshold, correct. Up to that point, it is just living tissue and not a living person. Without a functioning brain, it is just living tissue. It is how we define a living persons (brain function).
But I find it funny you have to "block" my IP instead of just making a polite request that we cease corresponding quite telling.
Run away and stay ignorant, in denial and spewing anti-Christian rhetoric while wars are waged and poverty increases which you support. You run because I ask questions which threaten your fantasy world where you spew anti-Christian rhetoric and preach hate and ignorance instead of truth and compassion.
How sad for you.
Hope you find your way to real understanding.
Mitchell Gore
Thus endeth the lesson...?