I was checking in on the blogs today, and Americablog is carrying a post saying Supreme Court Justice, Antonin "Fat Tony" Scalia, when questioned about whether or not he believed in the sanctity of the separation of Church and State, his response to the person asking the question was to flip the BIRD.
Here's the link to the post which is reporting the story:
This is from someone who is George Bush'a "favorite" justice, and the President has often expressed a desire to place more Scalia clones on the Court (He's already made head way with John Roberts and Sam Alito). This is from a person who is supposedly a member of the "Family Values" set, who quote Christianity and sling Jesus in your face to get you to cower and do what they say, but when you challenge them on it, you get Flipped the Finger.
Pay attention to Scalia's comment when some enterprising soul managed to catch the Supreme Court Justice on camera in the VERY ACT:
"Don't print that", Scalia said.
So, he's also into abrogating First Amendment rights as well? By his answer, Scalia has just shown us just how much contempt he has for the Constitution, the government, Church, and the separation concept upon which this country was founded, and upon which, his ancestors came here and made lives for themselves.
Likewise, Bush had a "deer in headlights" moment when he was asked if the conflict in Iraq and the war on terror could be as if Armmeggedon was coming. Remember, Bush's group believes in the Rapture and all, so you think Bush would have simply said, "Yes, I do", or "It's not time, yet." Instead, Dear Leader responded, "I'm a more practical person."
This is a comment from the Leader of the Free World who basically told us if we didn't vote for him and vote for John Kerry, the Apocalypse would be the result. He said he would keep us safe from terrorists, yet, we're more at risk with him in the White House than not. And let us not forget that the man largely responsible for him stealing the White House in 2000 was none other than Antonin Scalia - he of "Flipping the Bird after receiving Communion" fame.
If we don't correct this travesty of government beginning in November 2006, shut this blog down because we won't have anymore venues for complaint, activism and political movement, because these SOB's are doing the driving, and we have to take away their keys like you would do with someone at a party who's had too much to drink. The future of America depends on it.