From my inbox (I bolded the text near the end, the links are as in the original):
Dear [my name],
Tell me how the Bush Administration has hidden the truth from you -- help me document their widespread abuses!
Hiding the full scope of their secret NSA wiretaps. Gagging government scientists. Stonewalling Congress. Letting oil lobbyists help write energy policy and big polluters draft air quality rules. The Bush Administration's blatant efforts to hide the truth from the American people and obstruct the public's right to know are widespread.
In fact, this is the most arrogant, secretive Administration I've dealt with in my 32 years in the Senate -- the first Administration in modern times that is openly hostile to the public's right to know.
Well, to commemorate the second national "Sunshine Week" beginning next Monday, a week where we take stock of open government and the public's right to know what its leaders are doing, it's time to document these abuses of power and hold the Bush Administration accountable.
[more after the jump...]
Won't you help me document these many abuses -- so we can make our case directly to the American people and demand change from the White House next week?
Help me compile an exhaustive list of the Bush Administration's efforts to obstruct the public's right to know -- send me your examples now and tell me in your own words why Americans should care.
We've seen so many cases of Bush Administration stonewalling, it's hard to know where to begin. But I think it's critically important that we document the breadth and depth of this Administration's explicit efforts to hide the truth from the American people.
That's why I'm asking for your help. It's not enough for us to complain about the Bush Administration's secrecy, as much as you and I know that it's true. We've got to make our case to the American people -- and to do that, we need to overwhelm them with facts.
I want to assemble a comprehensive list of the Bush Administration's pervasive efforts to obstruct the public's right to know -- and I want to tap into the ideas and knowledge of the online community to do it.
Won't you help me? Send me your examples of the Bush Administration's widespread efforts to obstruct the public's right to know now.
After assembling all of this input, we'll publish this list of abuses next week. We'll demand change and openness from the Bush Administration.
But even more importantly, I'll call on your help once again -- this time to take this comprehensive evidence of the Bush Administration's ongoing obstruction and share it with your friends, family and colleagues. To call into local radio shows. To write letters to the editor. To build widespread public pressure on the Bush Administration during "Sunshine Week" to come clean with the American people.
We've got to wake up the American people to the Bush Administration's blatant disregard of the public's right to know what their leaders are doing.
The first step is to build our case. And then our next step will be making that case directly to the American people.
Help me take the first step -- send me your examples of the Bush Administration's widespread efforts to hide the truth, so we can assemble our comprehensive list.
Much more to come. Thanks for your help.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator
P.S. Please take just a moment to tell me how the Bush Administration has obstructed your right to know what your leaders are doing. I really appreciate your help so we can document these widespread abuses!
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