Ralph Reed is running for Lieutenant Governor in Georgia, and his campaign has been hurt by revelations that he is neck-deep in the Abramoff scandals. Reed took in more than $4 million in gambling money despite calling gambling a great evil.
Even more scary: Reed has been said to view the Lieutenant Governor's race as a stepping stone to the U.S. Senate or White House.
That's why we at Public Campaign Action Fund are assessing whether to take him on in Georgia by educating voters about his hypocrisy.
Help us decide.
The former executive director of the Christian Coalition is no stranger to big money lobbying -- he was a $30,000 per month lobbyists for Enron (thanks to Karl Rove), a "ranger" for Bush having raised more than $200,000, and has already pulled in close to $2 million for his run for office, with more than $1.8 million coming from donations of $1000 or more.
Not exactly a man of the people, eh?
Should voters reject Reed in the GOP primary in Georgia in July because of his big money corruption and hypocrisy, they'd be sending an earth-shattering -- and right-wing coalition shattering -- message to the nation. We think it would expand the DeLay, Abramoff, Cunningham, Ney storyline in a powerful, electorally significant way: Voters don't want corrupt leadership.
And check out this quote from Reed: "I want to be invisible. I do guerrilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag."
Think about that one on a billboard.
Let us know if you'd pledge to take on this campaign in Georgia. Time is ticking. We'll have to make a decision soon.