(Headline changed and diary promoted by SusanG.)
Yearlykos is now less than 50 days away. Have you registered yet? If not, maybe I can help persuade you to do so.
Below the jump is a list of people who will be speaking at (in bold) or who are invited to (not in bold, still pending) this no-longer-so-modest get together. Actually, "no longer so modest" doesn't do this list justice.
Were any of you around a few billion years ago when that "big bang" thing happened -- you know, when all of time, space and matter was created? Well, now that we've put this list together, this YearlyKos thing is looking to be an event at about that level of importance. So register dang it!
We still have a few panels cooking, but here's what we have so far. Pardon the Press Release. Making this list with tags was a real pain. Props to Nelsons for her super PR writing.
YearlyKos Convention Announces Speaker/Invite List
Contact: Gina Cooper
From the Blogosphere:
Yearly Kos is pleased to announce a list of speakers whose towering accomplishments, experience and leadership defy an adequate description.
With occupations and titles such as ambassador, attorney, author, general, governor, representative, senator, teacher, veteran, and so on, these individuals have distinguished themselves in leadership roles that have profoundly impacted the lives of many around the country and the world, and in some cases many millions of lives. These leaders will not only present their perspectives on current events and the future of the country, but will also participate in panel discussions and learn what most concerns the netroots. This interaction will help provide focus for the future, enabling politicians and netizens to achieve their goals.
"We are delighted to have such an extensive list of concerned leaders who understand that the blogosphere is a powerful force in the political arena," says Gina Cooper, organizer of Yearly Kos. "Many Americans rely on the Internet, including blogs, for their daily news and political discussions, either as readers or participants. YearlyKos will take this discussion to the next level."
When it is combined with dignity and perseverance, optimism can provide the fuel for positive change. The underlying basis for the YearlyKos conference is optimism. Without it, there would be little political reason to gather hundreds of netizens together in one place, along with politicians and other leaders. Bloggers, blog readers, and other netizens have begun to impact the political landscape in America. YearlyKos is where the future of that effort will solidly take root.
The following is a list of speakers invited to the YearlyKos Convention. Names in bold are confirmed, names not bolded are invited.
Robert Acosta, IAVA
John Amato, Crooks and Liars
John Aravosis, America Blog
Armando, Daily Kos
Jerome Armstrong, MyDD
Matt Bai, New York Time Magazine
Elisa Batista, Mother Talkers
Linda Beale, ataxingmatter
Ken Bernstein, Daily Kos, teacherken
Duncan Black, Atrios
Adam Bonin, Daily Kos, Adam B
Chris Bowers, MyDD
Sen. Barbara Boxer
Raven Brooks, BuyBlue
Gen. Wes Clark (invited)
Steve Clemons (invited)
Rep. Conyers (invited)
Peter Daou, Daou Report
Steven Darksyde, Daily Kos
Gov. Howard Dean (invited)
Jim Derych, Daily Kos, Advisor Jim
Sen. John Edwards (invited)
Kety Esquivel, Latinos for America
Jeffrey Feldman, Frameshop
Dan Froomkin, washingtonpost.com
Susan Gardner, Daily Kos, SusanG
Glenn Greenwald, Unclaimed Territory
Jérôme Guillet, Daily Kos, Jerome a Paris
Jane Hamsher, firedoglake
Arshad Hasan (invited)
Hunter, Daily Kos
Steve Jarding author
Perry Jefferies, IAVA
Dave Johnson, Seeing the Forest
Larry Johnson
George Lakoff (invited)
Tom Matzzie, MoveOn
Ari Melber
Dr. PZ Myers, Pharyngula
Rep. Brad Miller
Chris Mooney, Intersection
John Morris, Center for Democracy and Technology
Markos Moulitsas, Daily Kos, kos
Ralph Neas, PFAW
Gov. Napolitano (invited)
Stirling Newberry, BOP News
Nathan Newman, NathanNewman.org
Wendy Northcutt, author
Jason Ortiz, UNITEHere
Abbie Pickett, IAVA
Sen. Harry Reid
Gov. Richardson (invited)
Paul Rieckhoff, IAVA
Simon Rosenberg (invited)
Dave "Mudcat" Saunders, author
Sam Seder, Air America
Tom Schaller, author
Naomi Seligman, CREW
Micah Sifry, Personal Democracy Forum
David Sirota, Center for American Progress
Melanie Sloan, CREW
Christy Smith, firedoglake
Mike Stark, Calling All Wingnuts
Hale Stewart, Daily Kos, bonddad
Matt Stoller, MyDD
Mark Sumner, Daily Kos, devilstower
Tim Tagaris, Kicking Ass
Gloria Trotten, Progressive Majority
Martha Ture, BuyBlue
Kathleen Tyson-Quah, Daily Kos, London Yank
Gov. Vilsack
Jamie Vollmer
Gov. Mark Warner
Marcy Wheeler, The Next Hurrah
Amb. Joseph Wilson
[Update: Please note, speakers marked as invited have simply been invited to speak, but have not confirmed that they are attending. Sorry for the confusion. –gina]