Upon reading the title
Pete Domenici is an asshole of a comment by Plutonium Page in a diary by Neutron called
Who are we recruiting to kill the giants? I had a transcendant moment. I realized that it feels good to occasionally just let loose and proclaim that someone is an
No elaborate justifications. No links. Just the clear, unambiguous statement. (fill in the blank) is an asshole. That word has power. Try it. If nobody else is in the room say it out loud. Asshole. If nobody is in the house, shout it. ASSHOLE!!!! Say it slow and draw out the aspirants. Assss-hhhhole. Wow. Great word. I hope you were thinking of someone who is a real asshole when you said it.
Where am I heading here?
This diary is simply an opportunity to let off steam, if you will, and call out somebody who
really deserves it, as an asshole. Don't have to include analysis. Unless you want to. Don't have to include links. Unless you want to. Don't need pictures, even. Just call 'em out. Don't have to be somebody we all would know even. Maybe that asshole neighbor or, thinking back, that asshole kid in the 5th grade. Just call 'em.
I'll start.