ok, so I cross-dressed into Dem clothes - frumpy urban(e) chic w disheveled hair & a 3 day beard - & headed to the polling station.
I was unsure whether my costume would carry the day since I was suspect GOP having properly registered & obviously knowing where & how to vote. But putting on my best (blank) look, I sauntered-up to the incorrect alphabetical table to throw 'em off my scent. Asking no questions (gasp) I went as they directed me & declared for the Dem primary.
Then I smiled as the senior volunteers handed me the infamous butterfly ballot. I knew I had an out. Staring quizzically I said "I thought these were illegal". The seniors laughed & snorted-out that the morons in Florida were retired for good reason. One said "I bet they don't have trouble reading the early bird specials".
Entering the booth, I read the instructions & immediately felt guilty. I expected the seniors to burst in & tear up my Dem ballot forcing me to vote GOP.
With stylus in hand (:>) I moved past your boy Kerry, grinned at Edwards (he's so cute), shook my head at Sharpton, rubbed my eyes seeing LaRouche (prison?), and...(drum roll please)... VOTED FOR DENNIS THE MENACE!!!!
Yyeeaa babieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
I voted under the theory that everyone deserves a date. And I voted in admiration of his paid week in Hawaii & his non-stop, congressional re-election ads running in his Ohio district already paid for by his Presidential (slush) fund.
Dennis got something right anyway so he got my cross-dressing vote.