Feels like a draft is coming.
'The Army fell almost one-third short of its recruiting goal in March, its second consecutive month of shortfall amid concerns that the Iraq war is discouraging young people from enlisting.'
Oh those crazy people talking about that draft when we have plenty of....say, where did everybody go all of a sudden?
'The Army Reserve did even worse in March than the regular Army. It recruited barely half the 1,600 soldiers it wanted for the month. It has not met a monthly goal since December 2004, and for the period from October 2004 through March it has met only 82 percent of its goal.'
Is a college education worth being blown up by an IED? More and more people don't seem to think so.
A small step towards ending the madness, but at this point we need to take what we can get. If they held a war and not enough people bothered to show up, the world would be a better place.