"At first I thought you were a terrorist, but now I can see your nuts!"
Coming soon to an airport near you: TSA screeners ogling your naughty parts. Using "millimeter wave technology," the TSA is launching a test program that will allow screeners to look at you in all your God-given glory. (In my case, I think they might need to use something a little larger than millimeter wave technology).
But seriously, this technology basically allows airport screeners to look at you completely naked:
The TSA has begun testing a millimeter wave scanning system at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport as an alternative to pat-downs performed by security personnel when secondary screening is deemed appropriate. The technology can see through clothing to detect weapons, explosives, and other objects.
The TSA said that energy emitted by millimeter wave technology -- 10,000 times less than a cell phone -- is safe, that the technology is intended to keep passengers safe, and that it will keep the potentially embarrassing images safe.
"We are committed to testing technologies that improve security while protecting passenger privacy," said TSA administrator Kip Hawley in a statement. "Privacy is ensured through the anonymity of the image: It will never be stored, transmitted, or printed, and it will be deleted immediately once viewed."
Ensuring privacy, as the TSA describes it, involves having security officers view images from remote locations. Thus, the security officer cannot identify the passenger, visually or by some other means, but can send word to fellow officers if a threat is detected.
According to the TSA, the scanning system applies a security algorithm to further protect passenger privacy by obscuring the passenger's face.
The images produced by this technology are apparently pretty graphic:
The TSA says that further testing will soon move to JFK and LAX airports.