Howard Dean has had his sister souljah moment- and then some. He is now free to travel the south with the onus of having been attacked by Sharpton on race and the others on guns.
The only problem is-
- Dean isn't Clinton. Clinton could get away with a Souljah moment because he had such strong, sincere support from the african-american community- no one doubted where his heart was. Dean is no Clinton. I saw the reaction of black voters in the crowd at the debate- and I think I detected a definate tuning out of Dean. Not good. The reason...
- This is not 92 or 96. This is a new electoral alignment. Turning out the black vote for our candidate is not going to win Alabama or even North Carolina. But it is going to win Pennsylvania and Illinois.
I worry Dean has tainted himself and that he needs to do some non-pandering repair work. He probably needs to have a heart to heart about race with voters so he can show his heart on this matter (how about how he requested a black roomate at Yale so he could experience something different- how about how teaching in the inner city touched him - other than just impacting his bladder control).