Over at Amy Sullivan's Political Aims, she dumps on Dean, sighs with relief along with the rest of the Heathers (Alterman, Marshall) that Dean is toast and says Deans supporters are obnoxious. THis is very worrying to me. I know these liberal pundits can be annoying and elitist and too Beltway insiderish, but we need them on our side to counter the mud of Novak, Will, Safire, etc etc. the fact that Dean can't even count on liberal journalists (save the great molly ivins) to defend him, or who only throw the same mud at him, is very worrying. And this only makes Deaniacs more defensive and yes, obnoxious and over the top. i know, because i've sent nasty email to some of these guys in the heat of the moment that I later regretted. it's great to be emotional about politics (since we so rarely are), but Dean folks must show some cooler heads or we really will have no friends by the time this is over even if Dean is the nominee.