Last night I was thinking about the progressive movement and the people who are part of it. I was thinking about organizations and democratic institutions too, how they have changed (or not) with technology, and how the growing community based phenomena on the internet is a driver of the new politic. I get to work with many people in the progressive movement, and what I appreciate most is the mosaic of inspiring individuals who have the idealism and determination for not just creating, but also implementing the new ideas needed for a progressive future.
I also thought about the cynical right with their bankrupt beliefs and the silly names they call us. It made me sad that there are so many jaded or fearful or negative or down right deranged people out there who, when they look around, see nothing but darkness and evil in their neighbors.
But mostly I thought about the name calling, and it made me laugh.
Card Carrying
Heart Bleeding
Granola Crunching
Tree Hugging
Latte Drinking
Times Reading
Prius Driving
Chardonnay Buying
San Francisco Values Embracing
Vast Left Wing Conspiracy Making
Oh.hell.yes. That’s me. OK, not Latte Drinking, I’m a southerner and prefer Coke-a-Cola in the morning. And I don’t have a Prius...yet. And I prefer red wine, but "Red Wine Buyin" sounded goofy in my southern accented imagination. But anyway...
On that list there’s one item I’m particularly proud of, the last one: Vast Left Wing Conspiracy Making. I work on the YearlyKos Convention, and we are making it happen.
Chicago, August 2-5, 2007, at the YearlyKos Convention, leaders from the organizations listed below (and others, this is just off the top of my head, pre-emptive apologies) with lurkers, readers, writers, and videographers from every corner the blogosphere, along with great progressive leaders from throughout our government, members of the progressive, mainstream, and wingnut media, and even the next President of the United States, will gather to discuss, educate, plan for, and celebrate (or in the case of the wingnutters, to envy, curse and whine about) a progressive future for America.
Brave New Films
Free Press
New Politics Institute
Center for American Progress
People For the American Way
New Organizing Institute
Rockridge Institute
Media Matters
Color of Change
Democracy Journal
Politics TV
Institute for Progressive Christianity
Drum Major Institute
Roosevelt Institute
New America Foundation
Blue Fund
Progressive States
If we know conservatism has failed, then we must ask ourselves what to do next.
Saul Alinsky said, "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative." So to completely close this corrupt conservative era we must construct that alternative, and we’re doing it at the YearlyKos Convention.
So many amazing people like Adam and team (Energize America), Jeffrey (Frameshop), Eve (Health Care), Jill (Food), Hale (Econ), and others from all over the netroots, independent thought leaders, and those from new and established progressive organizations, people from all over America who have a vision for what can be and have a plan for getting us there, will share their expertise and listen to you.
Workshops, panels, round tables, case studies, caucuses, videos, art, and really cool parties serious networking events - we will be there (or in Second Life, or just on the nets) to teach and learn and be inspired by one another. We will leave Chicago with more knowledge, tools, connections and ideas for making a progressive future happen.
For a progressive future to be a reality, we must each do our part. If one of the things you can do is spare a few bucks, please contribute to, the organization that makes the YearlyKos Convention happen. was created by members of the netroots community who came together at Daily Kos, to conceive, build, and and find funding for the YearlyKos Convention, while tapping into the ideas and energy of the blogosphere. is staffed almost entirely by volunteers (there are 1.5 paid employees). That’s right, the only event that brings the blogosphere, organizations, leaders, media, artists and activists of the progressive movement together is lead by an army of volunteers, people just like you. If one of the things you can do to make a progressive future happen is spare some time please volunteer today.
If donating or volunteering is not your bag (Drat! We could use you!) just think about what you can do and do it. The future is ours, but we have to take charge and make it become what we want. What we believe in and what we do matter, so it is important to believe in something and do something that matters. We hope that one of those things you choose to believe in and choose to do is the YearlyKos Convention.
When taking the poll below, read the choices all the way through, out loud, getting louder the further down you go. It’s fun. Unless you are at work. Or maybe that’s makes it more fun. Maybe your liberalism will be contagious.
If your kind of liberal isn’t listed, note it in the comments below.