YOU, Nancy Pelosi, are what is standing between George Bush and the will of the people to have him impeached. YOU and YOU alone. Many Americans are asking Why? Why won't Nancy Pelosi put Impeachment on the table? It is a fair question. Some of us think we know the answer and it's not a pretty one.
As I've exposed elsewhere, there is a foreign lobby, the second largest lobby in the United States, that has thrown itself wholeheartedly behind the agenda of the neocons. You can read more of their ties to The Usual Suspects here, and here.
Have you been drinking the neocon/AIPAC Koolaid too Nancy?
It was YOU, Nancy Pelosi, that voted for the Patriot Act in 2001. It was YOU, Nancy Pelosi, that voted against a bill that merely condemned the use of torture on Iraqi prisoners. And it was YOU, Nancy Pelosi, that will personally bear moral responsibility if the "liberated" White House chooses - and you can be absolutely certain that without the threat of impeachment it will so choose - to go to war with Iran. Afterall, it was YOU. NANCY PELOSI, that quietly agreed to strip out of the Iraq funding bill the provision that would have required Congressional approval before Boss Bush could launch a war against Iran.
"'I don't think it was a very wise idea to take things off the table if you're trying to get people to modify their behavior and normalize in a civilized way,' said Gary Ackerman of New York."
According to John Nichols of The Nation, Pelosi's decision to strip the provision barring Bush from attacking Iran without Congress' approval "sends the worst possible signal to the White House."
"The speaker has erred dangerously and dramatically," writes Nichols. Her "disastrous misstep could haunt her and the Congress for years to come."
Nichols does not exaggerate.
If Bush now launches war on Iran, he can credibly say Congress and the Democrats gave him a green light. For Pelosi, by removing a provision saying Bush does not have the authority, de facto concedes he does have the authority.
Bush and Cheney need now not worry about Congress.
Taking things "off the table" and allowing Bush to get away with ANYTHING seems to be your modus operandi Nancy Pelosi. And it's a fair question to ask: Why did you capitulate over Iran? Because it goes to the heart of why many Americans believe you've capitulated over impeachment.
She was "under pressure from some conservative members of her caucus, and from lobbyists associated with neoconservative groups that want war with Iran and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)," writes Nichols.
And don't try to call me anti-semitic. The Jewish community voted 88 percent for Democrats in November, and 77 percent oppose Iraq. This is about the ruling class in Israel and their AIPAC lobby. The truth is, Nancy Pelosi, you don't care what your constituents want from you, you're more concerned about the money. Show you the money. That's why you're a legendary fundraiser, isn't it Nancy Pelosi? And AIPAC is the second largest lobbyist in the U.S.
I'm not the only one saying the same thing. Here's what none other than George Soros has to say:
One explanation is to be found in the pervasive influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which strongly affects both the Democratic and the Republican parties. AIPAC's mission is to ensure American support for Israel but in recent years it has overreached itself. It became closely allied with the neocons and was an enthusiastic supporter of the invasion of Iraq. It actively lobbied for the confirmation of John Bolton as USambassador to the United Nations. It continues to oppose any dialogue with a Palestinian government that includes Hamas. More recently, it was among the pressure groups that prevailed upon the Democratic House leadership to drop the requirement that the President obtain congressional approval before taking military action against Iran. AIPAC under its current leadership has clearly exceeded its mission, and far from guaranteeing Israel's existence, has endangered it.
That "Democratic House Leadership" he's referring to is YOU, Nancy Pelosi. YOU, Nancy Pelosi, bought into the whole PNAC handbook hook, line and sinker. YOU, Nancy Pelosi, decided to drink the koolaid that the neocons and AIPAC lobbyists are handing out.
So next time YOU, Nancy Pelosi, try to lay some bullshit on thick and heavy about why impeachment is still off the table, don't waste your breathe. America isn't buying it. You don't represent us anymore than the neocons do. You put Israel and their AIPAC lobby first. As for America, the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution you've sworn to uphold and protect? Well, everyday you refuse to impeach is another day they come second.
Your 100 days are up Nancy Pelosi. What has your leadership changed? Have you repealed the Patriot Act? Have you reinstated habeus corpus? Have you rolled back globalization to restore the middle class? Have you repealed the Military Commissions Act? No. We've got "investigations" and subpeonas. But the American people understand that no amount of investigation is going to change anything. When Boss Bush can wave a hand and grant clemency to anyone he likes, when, by your own inaction, this tyrant is granted clemency BY YOU to remain above the law, no amount of investigation is going to change anything. Only impeachment can save us.
Impeach or resign Nancy Pelosi. This country needs AMERICAN leadership NOW.