According to ARG, Clark's supporters seem to have split almost down the middle between Kerry and Edwards. Even had they all gone to Edwards, Kerry would still maintain a solid lead. MoE 4%. 2/12. (2/6 results in parenthesis)
Kerry 53 (41)
Edwards 16 (10)
Undecided 16 (21)
Dean 11 (9)
Kucinich 2 (2)
Sharpton 2 (2)
But perhaps the most startling part of this poll is the fact that people really, really hate Dean.
Howard Dean
Favorable: 19 (20)
Unfavorable: 43 (37)
Favorable: 29 (21)
Unfavorable: 16 (15)
Favorable: 65 (53)
Unfavorable: 19 (21)
There's no way any candidate with that level of unfavorables can win anything. There's no possible ad campaign, at this point, that can rescue Dean. The best he can hope to do is take down his nemesis Kerry a few notches, though his ludicrous "Kerry is a Republican" charges simply seem to be backfiring.