herre is the percentage on absentee ballots, courtesy of the Albuquerque Jouranl (which iwth just under 1/3 of the precincts counted has Kerry comfortably ahead and Dean in 3rd):
* 27.1% Kerry
* 26.5% Dean
* 25.4% Clark
* 9.4% Edwards
* 5.6% Kucinich
* 2.7% Lieberman
* 2.2% Gephardt
Dean would have had to have at least a 5% lead in absentee ballots to have had any chance of winning the state.
And what makes it worse is if Clark wins OK, then Kerry still faces a meaningful split opposition.
So as of now, this quick check before I pack it in for the night, Kerry wins 5, and Edwards and Clark each win won. The only really good news (1) Kerry doesn't run well in the South, and (2) Kerry ran 3rd in OK. Of course, neither SC or OK is a probable state for the Democrats in the fall, so Kerry will probably dismiss it, the way he has already dismissed Edwards as merely a regional candidate.
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