It was suggested a couple of days ago that the people are too stupid to vote. I had used my diary entry that day, but I had given a speech just last year about this very issue in my ethics class of all places. Here's a summary of what I said:
Think of any really significant political move in the United States and you are unlikely to find a vote behind it.
Slavery had to be ended with a war of all things. So ingrained is the idea of seeing people as property, that we had to fight the bloodiest war in American history. (It's amazing how greedy people truly are.) But the point is that voting was a formality in this instance. It was just an afterthought.
Moving on the timeline, we find the desegregation of schools is the result of a Supreme Court case. For once, our government mandated that Blacks would be trained to do something other than pick cotton. But again the people were absent on this event.
During the 60s it was again the courts not the people who decided that the government should stop teaching children that the Christianity is the only religion in the world.
And let's not forget you women. (Ownership seems to know no skin color.) Roe vs. Wade brought a level of equality to the fairer sex unknown to previous generations to the outrage of the people, who for the most part have been trying to reforce their will back on females.
There are countless other examples of how the people have failed to uphold their own tenants as laid out in the Constitution. The Courts have had to call the people into line. Free speech? Freedom of the Press? Freedom from Fundie Christians? Thank your court system.
So the lesson is clear. The people truly are stupid and easily led. And that is why it is IMPERATIVE that the court not be stacked with a bunch of insane right wingers.
I urge Dems in Congress to filibuster and do whatever else they can to STOP THIS ALITO NOMINATION. Hold up the proceedings until Bush puts forth a more moderate candidate.