What's more important to Senator Mitch McConnell -- health insurance for 157,996 of Kentucky's children or big money donors from Big Tobacco, HMOs, and other health interests?
You can guess the answer by the mere fact that I even have to ask the question.
With an imminent Senate vote on S-CHIP, the children's health insurance program, we at Public Campaign Action Fund made a poignant, hard-hitting web ad that raises this question for Sen. McConnell. The ad is embedded below...
Please watch the ad, and if you like it, give it five stars on YouTube, and recommend this diary.
The web ad imagines a scenario where kids sell lemonade and open piggy banks to bundle enough money to make a contribution to McConnell so that they get his attention. We all know that's absurd. But so is the primacy of fundraising in Washington these days, with politicians cozying up to the big donors while the rest of us get left out. It's got to change.
McConnell is the biggest abuser of the pay-to-play system in Congress. And he's been outed as the Senator whose likely to have a secret hold on the campaign disclosure bill. He doesn't want people to know the work he's doing for his donors. It's time to expose him.