Sherron Watkins and Mimi Swartz said that no one died in the California rolling blackouts of 2000-2001 caused by Enron and others. But the father of Ronald Marquez of Mission Viejo died on a dialysis machine during a rolling blackout in March 2001.
On page 267 of "Power Failure," Sherron Watkins and Mimi Swartz said that no one died in the California rolling blackouts of 2000-2001. But in the Orange County Register of Sept. 18, 2002, Jeff Collins reported that the father of Ronald Marquez of Mission Viejo died in a rolling blackout in March 2001. He was on a dialysis machine during a blackout.
This fact is not in any book that I have seen. And this was just one incident that happened to get reported. I do not know of any systematic survey of such deaths. Some agency of the Bush administration should have undertaken one, perhaps the Public Health Service or the Dept. of Energy.
I hope this fact becomes common knowledge, and makes it into a good book of history or political affairs.