This is not new. Somehow the media ignored it. (Excuse me while I pretend to be shocked.) I don't have the vid, only the audio but in my opinion this is much more damning than forgetting how many houses you own.
I can't stick around to add more to this, but I felt this needed to be brought to the attention of the community. I can think of millions of laid off autoworkers who would LOVE to take McCain up on his offer. I'm sure those 8600 DHL workers in Ohio would too.
UPDATE: For those who can't listen to the audio, here's the transcript of McCain's challenge to the AFL-CIO workers. Courtesy of Icky
Here's the transcript of the lettuce picking part:
John McCain: "I don't think I need to tell you that there are jobs that Americans will not do. I don't think I have to tell you that there are ... the backbone of our economy...
Audience members: "Pay them the right wages."
John McCain: "You know I've heard that statement before. Now, my friends, I'll offer anybody here fifty dollars an hour if you'll go pick lettuce in Yuma this season and pick for the whole season. So, ok, sign up! Ok, when you sign up, you sign up, and you'll be there for the whole season, the whole season, ok, not just one day. Because you can't do it, my friend."
UPDATE II: The Fabulous Life of John McCain (link only. For some reason the youtube vid won't embed.