I usually like Pat Oliphant, but this attack on Hillary Clinton is one of the most offensive and sexist editorial cartoons I have ever seen.
I'm with Paul Krugman on this, that the "tear" episode wasn't really much of anything, and has been serially exaggerated by the media. But outside of right wing jerks on the radio or Fox News I hadn't seen this kind of abusive, mean spirited, stupid and sexist attack.
I mean, it even fricking mentions PMS! And, as Tom Toles noted in a comic earlier this week, Hillary has been slammed as a robot for years and now she is a hysterical woman. It's just ridiculous that in this day and age a major syndicated cartoonist can produce this kind of tripe and get it published all over the country.
It looks like we haven't gotten as far in America as we thought.
Anyway, Oliphant is syndicated by UPS (no, not Brown. Universal Press Syndicate) and they should hear about this. Their general number is (816) 932-6600, and here's the guy in charge of syndication:
Lee Salem, Executive Vice President and Editor
Universal Press Syndicate
4520 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64111-7701
(800) 255-6734
Let's tell them that this kind of stupidity is not acceptable in the 21st Century.
[P.S. For those who don't know, I am for Edwards]
[P.P.S. If you want to see a really funny, scatological, profane piece of dead on political satire, check this piece Kos pointed out last night.