The Mainstream Media often seems to exist to be a punch bag and an echo chamber for radical right pundits and Talk Radio.
The MSM took their orders from Karl Rove and Scooter Libby for the last 8 years instead of holding the rich and powerful to account on behalf of the American people. The media conspired in the plan to sell the Iraq War, let Dick Cheney and his secretive Energy Taskforce operate in the shadows, helped Rove during The Valerie Plame affair, refuses to hold Bush's disastrous record to account, never suggested that Bush should be impeached and now the Media has banned all mention of the Keating 5 despite its relevance to the current Market Meltdown and the man who wants to become our next President.
Every GOP pundit/ News outlet is over the moon after Palin's vacuous performance last night. Biden's substantive answers received very little coverage.
It is a sad reflection on America , after 8 long years of Bush Rove Cheney, after the lies and simplistic arguments & sound bites used to deceive people into supporting the Iraq disaster, after all of the reckless spending and huge financial deficits racked up by the Republicans - that so many people can still ( seemingly) be fooled into believing that the Republican Party is on their side against the " elitist" Democrats.
It is tragic how many working class people support the Republicans, the party of corporate America - who clearly despises them and actively works to make their lives more difficult.
There was virtually NO analysis of the lack of substance behind Palin's memorized lines. Her lies, evasions and arrogance in not answering questions were given a free pass by the media as was the hideous intimidation of Gwen Ifill by McCain's henchmen.
4 years ago the America Media sold us Bush's manifesto " Guns, Gays and God" - now the Media is attempting to sell us the exact same with lipstick and a cynical, sick old man who will do and say anything.
McCain and Palin are the new Nixon and Spiro Agnew of American politics.
TPM has put together a valuable collection of Palin's videos clips. Please pass these on. The election is just over a month away.