I really hope those of you who listened to my initial warning back in 2006, And So It Begins, had the werewithal to invest in gold. What was selling just two years ago for $500 an ounce is now sitting at $767 and guess what? It's going to go up.
Not that the average Joe could afford to buy gold back then or now. But lots of people DID buy gold back two years ago, thus starting golds meteroic rise. Funny thing was, only those people privvy to the information that I posted up had reason to go out and start buying gold in such quantities that it drove the price up.
As I reported two and a half years ago, when the Federal Reserve stopped reporting M3 data, it marked the beginning of our journey to the economic meltdown we've witnessed the past few weeks.
And it was the opening salvo leading up to the penultimate act of Treason.
From April, 2006:
As this article points out, there is more to the Federal Reserve's recent announcement that they are going to stop reporting M3 data than meets the eye. What is M3 data? (for those who can't be bothered to read the link) M3 reports the total US dollars in circulation.
Why would the FedRes do that and who cares? Anyone remember their history lessons in school concerning the Great Depression? Remember your teachers telling you how people in Germany used to paper their walls with money because paper money was worthless? Did your Grandmother (like mine) or great-grandmother ever tell you how important gold was back then? The reason was because in order to fight inflation, the governments of the world printed off lots of money. With so much paper currency in the world, the value of money became negligible and only gold had any real value.
So listen up, because when the FedRes stops reporting on the amount of paper currency floating about there's a Really Good Reason Why.
That reason is because they don't want to let on that they are putting more and more currency into the market. The Feds have pumped up the money supply by 8% in the last year. They do this to fight inflation. But anyone with a knowledge of economic history knows where this road leads to. Depression. That is why savvy investors are liquidating and buying gold. Gold is the one hedge against a massive depression like we had in the 30's. So what has this done to the price of gold?
They've soared.
Gold is going through the roof. And now, with the price of gasoline going through the roof, inflation is about to explode. Making all those paper dollars worthless. Which in turn, drives up the price of gold even further.
And so it begins again. Welcome to economic hell. Hope you didn't have a future planned.
The point is not to say "I told you so.", the point is that I have a question:
Who do you think the people were who made a killing on gold back when the government stopped reporting M3 information? Why, the same people who had started printing lots of paper money that's who!
So here is a perfect example of the failure of the "free market" economists. They don't account for Kleptocracy. They pay lip service to self-interest insofar as they recognize it as a force, but they fail to take into account how that self-interest inevitably leads to criminal behavior or get rich quick and get out practices. What we have is a system in which it is in the best interests of those in charge to wreck the economy completely and thus make a killing on gold. That's not governance, that's treason. Yet it all makes perfect sense in the "free market" ideology of self-interest.
It doesn't make much sense from the perspective of a healthy society however. Which is why the entire "free market" ideology is the ideology of sociopaths.
Which brings us to another observation: this was an inside job from day one. Paulsen with Goldman Sachs. The Bush clan with Lehman Brothers.
And let's not forget Jeb has a history with AIG:
You will also see that all of the Sons of Bush Scams committed under the cover of Iran-Contra had different aspects, insurance aspects, insured by guess who? AIG. Jeb Bush, in what was his largest fraud, the IMC, or International Medical Corporation fraud, had all of the F&G, fidelity guarantee instruments. All of IMC’s F&G instruments (Fidelity & Guarantee instruments) that he purchased through the International Medical Corporation, were purchased through AIG. He would then subordinate them to various banks for loans, despite the fact that the assets that were pledged to purchase those fidelity and guarantee instruments, receivables and performance contracts were worthless. They were all bogus.
Oh yeah, these guys are pros at swindling people. The S&L Scandal. Medicaid fraud. Enron. Martin makes an interesting observation:
The Bush idea was (I remember Jeb used to say this) that, "Look, you hit them in every single hat they wear." That was the idea. He used to call them fodder. You hit the fodder in their hats as Taxpayers. You hit them in their hats as Investors and Savers. You hit them in their hats as Insurance Policy Owners through all these insurance scams his brother[W] was involved in. Then there was, of course, Jeb's International Medical Corporation. Jeb also liked health care scams. But that was the idea the Bushes had, that you take the American taxpayer (which they called "One Fodder Unit," or OFU) and you hit them in every single hat they wear.
This economic meltdown and the subsequent theft of $700 billion in taxpayer money wasn't a result of incompetence. It was a carefully designed plan. It was a theft, pure and simple.
It was treason.