Election Day is one month away, and Jim Inhofe’s misleading campaign commercials have us all wondering the same thing Sen. Rice asks here:
So, what is Jim Inhofe afraid of?
(We've got some thoughts below the fold.)
It seems he's afraid to talk about his record. Rather than running ads outlining accomplishments he may or may not have after 22 years in Washington, Jim Inhofe is running a series of four misleading attack ads on Andrew Rice.
It seems he's afraid to stray from the negative tactics he's always used. Inhofe doesn't think he's accountable to voters. It's as if he feels entitled to another term every six, no questions asked. Every time he's up for election, Inhofe resorts to the same gutter tactics that helped him get elected in the first place. He tears down his opponent without every explaining why he's the right person for the job.
It seems he's afraid of the voters of his state. Jim Inhofe knows that scorched-earth campaigning only turns people off from voting. He's not trying to convince anyone to vote for him – he's trying to convince them to stay home.
It seems he's afraid of Andrew Rice. Jim Inhofe has spent $1 million dollars in the last three weeks on TV commercials designed to distort Andrew Rice's record and attack his character.
It seems he's afraid to take action. While the economic crisis came to a head and two bills came before Congress, Jim Inhofe didn't object. He didn't fight for Oklahoma. He said he'd "keep an eye on" things, then said it wasn't really a problem, and then complained when he didn't like the end result. Not once did he come to the table and offer a solution.
Though Jim Inhofe would like for this campaign to be about fear-mongering, we all know there's too much at stake in this election to allow that to happen.
Next year, Congress will face some of the most daunting challenges in the history of our country. Andrew Rice and Jim Inhofe have very different views on energy, the economy, health care, balanced budgets and a host of other issues. Oklahoma voters want to know how they differ and on what issues they might agree. They want to know who will fight for them when the big issues arise, and who will have solutions to offer in our toughest times.
They want to know who will rise to the occasion. Jim Inhofe will only sink to new lows. Andrew Rice will fight for Oklahoma and put people before politics.
- Karina Henderson
Rice for US Senate