"On Friday May 14, 1948 -- the day the British Mandate over Palestine expired -- the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was signed by members of the National Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum, representing the Jewish community in the country and the Zionist movement abroad. It went into effect at midnight, Tel Aviv time.
Eliahu Epstein of The Jewish Agency sent a letter to President Truman, dated May 14, 1948 announcing the event. Truman responded with recognition of Israel by the United States only 11 minutes after the declaration in Tel Aviv."1
Declaration of Independence (:44)
Theodor Herzl, founder of modern Zionism
David Ben-Gurion as a Polish-born young man circa 1908
Co-founder of Israel
The State of Israel was born on the special day of occasion. The birth day is remembered as the celebration of pride for years and decades to come.
But it is not without its problems, namely the ubiquitous Zionist movement. The true point of its manifest destiny will be revealed as the 60th commemoration of the foundation is achieved with the celebration of joy and pride.
State of Israel as the homeland for the "persecuted Jews" was envisioned by one man of Austria-Hungary origin, Theodor Herzl. He promulgated "If you will it, it is no dream." This will was achieved with the founding of the artificially created state under the mandate of the United Nations, but not without committing to acts of terror against the British, the indigenous Palestinian and even the Semitic Jew for the attainment of the objective preceding the declaration.
IRGUN recruiting propaganda
Hotel King David bomb attack
Irgun, the militant Zionist commando unit led by Menachem Begin (a future prime minister who was ironically party to 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty overseen by President Jimmy Carter and who presided over June 1982 invasion of Lebanon), coordinated and carried out King David Hotel bombing on July 22, 1946 and Deir Yassin massacre between April 9 and 11, 1948. The marauding band of outlaws, infected with criminal affection for luscious violence and depravity in Zionistic fervor, indulged in the terrorism, maltreatment and murder of Palestinian natives to raze the villages to covet the "Holy Land" to clear the way for the settlements -- which was a standard procedure in the development of Israeli state that in their view is their inalienable right to take and keep. Irgun was dissolved as an organization to coincide with the foundation of Israel.
Before the covetous Zionist movement multiply like cancer cells, there was a degree of harmony between the Palestinian Arab and the Semite Jew of Israelite origin who share ethnic heritage in common as the descendants of Abraham. This peace and positive relationship has been rendered moot by the Zionists hell-bent on uprooting Palestine by chipping away every parcel of existing land, by force and violence, for large-scale thievery, not much different from the Spainards who subjugated the Caribbean and Mesoamerica native populations to genocide by termination, slavery and cruelty soon after the "exalted" arrival of Columbus.
With Israel becoming an established developed state from its tumultuous beginning of having endured the 1948 War of Independence repulsing numerous Arab state invaders that ended with a truce, it began to demand more and more land to demonstrate its desire for expansionism through the strength of nationalism in militaristic prowess. It is a matter of Israeli policy to engage in militaristic war cry of ultra-nationalistic morale, deception, cruelty, thievery, subversion, assassination, sabotage and warfare by belligerence to achieve its objectives for supreme rule.
- Israel Defense Forces soldiers gaze in victorious amazement upon capturing East Jerusalem
In doing so, it incursed beyond the border previously agreed in 1949 Armistice treaty to take advantage of the animosity between Israel and the numerous opponents to commence the Six-Day War that covered a significant portion of gains (Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, West Bank, Gaza) and staked East Jerusalem in the process that culminate their victory with celebratory weeps of nationalistic joy. It thus emerged as a major power and a formidable challenger of existing Arabic powers that will decide the fate of the world, beginning with November 22, 1963 coup d'etat in CIA-MOSSAD coordinated assassination of President Kennedy which unnaturally led to the hasty re-evaluation of American foreign policy for adjustion that align with the interests of Israeli state for total compatibility in irreversibly entangled alliance.
This ironclad alliance is direct contravence to the Founding Fathers' warning against entangling alliance. Although even before Israel was established, United States had a solidly diplomatic relationship with post-19th century Great Britain and Saudi Arabia as allies, the latter for oil to expand the robust American economy after internal combustion engine was invented that paved the way to the development of automobiles. Oil itself is the engine of rapidly developing global economy in replacement of horse as a mode of transportation. It is a deciding factor in many modern wars, the ostensibly motivating factor for Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and two episodes of Persian Gulf war. This non-renewable fossil fuel source -- composed of the liquidated remains of ancient organic life -- is so precious as a crucial component of the modern world it is referred to as "black gold".
During the Six-Day War of 1967, on June 8th, U.S.S. Liberty, the U.S. Navy intelligence ship, sailed in international waters approximately 14 miles off Sinai Peninsula in the east Mediterranean Sea to ostensibly monitor the progress of the Six-Day War in tracking communications of the Arab state belligerents and Israel, the latter (theoretical) overheard planning the invasion and theft of Golan Heights from Syria and covering up the massacre of Egyptian POWs. Israel Air Force encircled the ship for a while while some crew members on the ship waved in greeting to the pilots flying overhead. Suddenly IAF and IDF commenced the attack on the ship with strafing bullets, missiles and torpedoes, costing 34 American lives and maiming 175. The U.S. government, including President Lyndon Johnson, Secretary of State Robert McNamara and Admiral John McCain Senior (father of Arizona senator and presumptive Republican presidential nominee), colluded with Israel to cover up the war crime that would be called an act of war had it been done by the designated enemy. The justice was never brought in proper conduct because the investigation by U.S. government was doomed from the very start as a corrupted and whitewashed inquiry that declare the attack a mere accident, trusting Israel's claim of a mistaken identity of the ship as a hostile Egyptian enemy.
This is the price of entangled alliance with Israel. Late Chairman of U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Arkansas Democratic Senator J. William Fulbright lamented on CBS News' "Face the Nation" on April 15, 1974:
"Israel controls the U.S. Senate. The Senate is subservient, much too much; we should be more concerned about U.S. interests rather than doing the bidding of Israel. The great majority of the Senate of the U.S. - somewhere around 80% - is completely in support of Israel; anything Israel wants; Israel gets. This has been demonstrated time and again, and this has made [foreign policy] difficult for our government."
It is not without irony former Democratic presidential candidate Senator Joe Biden Jr. (Delaware), who currently heads U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, has proclaimed himself a Zionist in an interview with Israeli media outlet.
Palestine land loss 1946 to 2000
And Israeli war crimes continue unabated arising from its belligerent nationalism in Zionistic lust for war to subservience by the foreign powers as allies that look the other way while atrocities pile on, with 1956 Seuz War, 1973 Yom Kippar War and Lebanon War in 1982 and 2006 and acts of apartheid & genocide in West Bank (Jenin massacre) and Gaza, et cetera.
Israel have disregarded an improbably high number of United Nations resolutions passed against Israel for its frequent human rights violation and warfare, with the singular veto of the United States as its carte blanche to continue the cycle of maltreatment, expansionist violence and invasions. U.N. formally passed General Assembly Resolution 3379 that call the philosophically ethnocratic tenets of Zionism as racist.
Google Video: An envoy angrily tears apart the resolution paper at the podium
Israel knows, as a fact of life in the 20th century and thereon, it needs constant replenishment of oil to build and fuel the state and economy. It has attained the agreement with the U.S. to ensure the continuous supply of oil, regardless of the nature and status of the conflict.
Israel knows the size of the state is too small a price to sacrifice economically and militarily. It has managed to extract overly generous foreign aid package from the U.S., which in turn fleeces the taxpayers in tens of billions of dollars exceeding a trillion dollars in adjusted inflation over forty years to pay the expense on an annual basis while being detrimental to the state of the host nation in the stability of national economy, infrastructure and solvency of social and governmental programs. U.S. supplied several billion dollars' worth of military hardwares -- jets, tanks, helicopters and array of military technologies and other luxuries -- to assist to strengthen Israel in deterring and combatting the future adversaries.
A favor returned, Israel - through trusted agencies such as its intelligence service MOSSAD founded in 1951 - managed to infiltrate to subvert the host nation by deceiving American government (executive, legislative and bureaucracy) and military (Pentagon, branches of U.S. Armed Forces) officers to fight its wars through exploitation, fraud, espionage, cooked intelligence, deceitful scheme, sabotage, black op terrorist attacks and propaganda through the lobbying and intelligence arms of B'nai B'rith, Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center, Jewish Defense League, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Zionist Organization of America, et cetera that filter the information -- classified by the U.S. and otherwise -- to Israel on the basis of national security to "protect its allegiant people" in steadfast defense of Zionism as a de facto political force.
Sing and dance celebrating Israel's attack on Lebanon, July 2006
Israel has always targeted the adversaries to overthrow for elimination of what it perceives as "existential enemies," namely Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Iran and perhaps Egypt, Jordan (in spite of peace treaties and diplomacy) and Saudi Arabia. It has always been on the planning chart going as far back as 1948, when David Ben-Gurion, one of the founding fathers who presided as the first Prime Minister instructed his subordinates:
"We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai."2
Israel is not grateful for the 'tiny' parcel of land it calls a home after the enunciation of the Declaration of Independence that beget the birth of Israeli state. It calls for the mandate of "Greater Israel" in fundamental reorganization of the Middle East and Central Asia states with Israel as the "holy" supreme power in geopolitical and military-economic hegemony.
Red is current occupation. Orange is initial plan of conquest (Irgun). Yellow is future planned conquest.
IDF soldiers on rest break during 2006 Israel-Lebanon War
The only way to accelerate the eventual achievement of this fantastic ambition is to encourage by pressure, propaganda & deceit the engagement and intervention of the United States in continuous conquest of the Middle East and Central Asia (Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and perhaps Turkmenistan) through covert and overt propaganda, benevolently malicious chicanery, cunning duplicity and perfidious acts of preferred loyalty over a host nation in dual citizenry ("A Clean Break", analysis).
Co-architect of Iraq war and Neoconservative Zionist Paul Wolfowitz at AIPAC rally on the lawn of U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C.
Israel embody the vessel of boiling blood of horror and perfidy in demonic vileness for its pattern of terrorism and murder in the name of Zionist ideology. It has earned the arsenal of nuclear warheads through stolen intelligence in betrayal, estimated to number between 200 to over 500, through a covert development at Dimona underground nuclear reactor built in the late 50's, to which President Kennedy, as an anti-nuclear weapon peacenik who signed Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, objected and had considerable tense relationship with the then-Third Prime Minister David Ben Gurion before his abrupt resignation for "personal reasons" on June 21, 1963. After the murder of JFK, Israel has extended its Zionistic tentacle to grasp the United States by the neck to leech on to that manifest the radical foreign policy about-face to morally and materially support State of Israel in no uncertain (and unconditional) terms.
With Israel as a formidably superior power to Arabic and Central Asian states - and impress the world at large - because of its proven military prowess (excepting rare cases of conceding defeat such as 2006 Israel-Lebanon War) backed by the intimidating Schwarzeneggerian military strength of Uncle Sam as its puppet like Master Blaster from the film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome that hold power truce with the present world civilization, Israel has determined the fate of the world at large with its superb conniving faculty veiled in the art of influence and might.
Bush 43 Vice President Dick Cheney in a speech at AIPAC
(Illegitimately elected) President GW Bush shakes hand with Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in a joint press conference at the White House
Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gestures in a speech
With the secret nuclear warhead arsenals scattered in secure storages and seated in the racks of the bomber planes and on the head of the missiles awaiting idle somewhere in the conquered land, Israel's conceited sense of its right to rule the world as the "chosen" children, in part or whole, cannot be had without the hijacking of the financial and military sectors of Imperial West to facilitate the culture of a misanthrophically destructive program in subduing the Middle East region for its consumption in drinking the wine of despotic power to expand by the proxies of war.
Drunken by its belief of entitlement and arrogance - as well as inability to streamline the management of the Israeli economy for great liberalization of the sluggish economy beset by bureaucratic incompetence and vanity because it feeds on the carcass of the financial corpses of the United States and Germany in reparations perpetuated in the name of the victims of the Nazi Holocaust (which enlightened the Zionists to convene the fulfillment of Theodor Herzl's penile fantasy for the permanent home of the scattered tribe of brutish and incorrigible Ashkenazi Khazar descendants to assimilate the customs, culture and genetics of the ancient Israelites) - Israel now believes it has the power to exercise control of the region by subversive means even if the result will be counterproductive that may end in disastrous blowback not only for Israel but also precipitate the accelerated fall of the United States in economic and moral collapse in mismanagement of the host nation's priorities.
When Israel loses in the great hypothetical battle of Megiddo in the unforeseeable future, it shall deploy the spread wings of nuclear warheads to destroy adversaries and allies in the obliteration of innumerable millions of human beings, animals and organic life, inferring its conceived truth of absolute moral relativism as having possessed annihilative power in taking the world down with Israel in the orgiastically ethnocentric finale of existentially triumphant self-destruction as the ultimately defeated enemy of the civilized world.
This is the bidding of a farewell formed in the extension of a middle finger by the militantly atheistic Luciferian Ashkenazic Jewish sect that - resolved they be - believe in - by genetic predisposition and/or indoctrination from birth - supremacism of the Master Race, because they have accomplished the goal of procreating State of Israel to dominate in hegemony by the art of seduction, after centuries of persecution and expulsion on charge of treason by subversion of host nations, blood rituals in human sacrifice of Gentile children, corruption and ravishing of women, conspiracy to injure and murder esteemed officers & rulers and usurious & fraudulent deed in union with the spiritual descendants of the wicked Jews of the extinct Sadducee sect, the persecutor and abetted executioner of Jesus Christ, propagating fruition of the species as the "Chosen One" and bringing the world to its knees without mercy for subservience and obedience by slavery (brainwash) and tyranny.
The lasting legacy of the fundamental tenets of Zionism as the exclusively ethnic political movement is the quoted assertion by the First President of the State of Israel (1948-52):
"We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not . . .You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world." – Chaim Weizmann3
As Israel reach the milestone of the 60th anniversary commemoration, its legacy will be showered not with peace and goodwill but revulsion of conscience and damnation.
With the contempt of a rogue state that seek not peace but thrive on consolidating power of hegemony in expansionist terror and apartheid in mind, Senator William Fulbright left an indelible quote during the Congressional debate on the burden of the protracted Vietnam War:
"The price of empire is America's soul, and that price is too high."
Israel's fate is uncertain, but I am positively certain it will, to paraphrase Ayatollah Khomeini, "vanish from the page of time". Its eventual destruction will be effectuated by its own hands -- the checkmate action that fit the personas of a maddeningly ambitious, ferocious, delusional and suicidal psychopath.
- Verbatim from PalestineFacts.org (pro-Israel propaganda site)
- "Ben-Gurion, A Biography" by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978
- Zionist Federation publication of the newspaper "Judische Rundschau" No. 4, 1920 (translated from German)
American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the lobby arm for Israeli state
(for more information, watch 53 minute Dutch documentary and read "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" book by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt)
If Americans Knew
Bomb Iran