It started slowly. Last night I did the "terrorist fist bump' with a couple State legislators at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin annual convention. By this afternoon, at adjournment, it was not a fad, but a movement. Hippie icon that I am, I was particularly in demand with the Union guys.
We're taking back the bump. Old, young, gay, straight, redneck and freek. Preacher and geek. Oh yeah. Black, white, brown, red, yellow too. Bump with the Hindu, Muslim, Wiccan, Agnostic, Atheist, Christian, and Jew.
Seeking: stills of improbable demographic pairings doing the "bump" in honor of Michelle and Barack.
Side note:
Jason Rae, the 21 year old Marquette student who attracted national attention as the youngest superdelegate, was re-elected to the Democratic National Committee by a solid margin.
Spent a lot of time with diarist norahc. He's assembled a team to work voter registration at all the summer campout rockfests hereabout. I'll be joining on a few.'s Convention blog