Easy? No, but worthwhile. What makes us not only Democrats, but defines us simply and differently from the GOP?
Using "Democrats stand for working families" doesn't seem to stand up against "Republicans cut taxes." I know, I know, but you all have seen the same things I have, and after reading Pounder's diary, it got me to thinking even more about this.
How do we say not only who we are, but what makes us so different from the GOP? How do we do this in our messaging? In our communications? How should our elected officials be stating what and who Democrats belive in, stand for?
Civil rights? The GOP isn't against "civil rights," though we know differently. Further, how does the fact that standing up for civil rights, for ALL (including gay couples) become some sort of a plot to destroy America?
Are we a party that stand for and protects the working families of this country? How do we message this? Why is it that we seemingly are some group of folks that just have no clue about working families? Yes, you and I know the reality, but the voters in too many states think all we want to do is take their hard earned money and spend it on taxes. The reality is that we want them to have high paying jobs, good jobs, with benefits, and yes, there are taxes that will be paid for social services that most everyone at some point must use.
Do Democrats have the ability to protect America? Seems that the GOP has done a great job of creating this horror story for Americans if Democrats take control, false mind you, but there all the same. How do we message our love of country, our love of the constitution, our admiration and dedication to that which has made America great?
The project is to see what we can come up with, short (no more then a few sentences) of what we are, what we believe and what makes us different from the GOP.
My submission is this: "Democrats stand for personal freedoms, a strong military to protect these freedoms, and we realize that the working families of our nation need a voice in government and we are there to be that voice. Democrats protect the right of every American to worship or not worship as they choose. Democrats support the separation of church and state and realize that this separation is the very building block our founding fathers started with and must be continued. Democrats know that a strong economy is an economy that brings all Americans higher wages and good jobs, not just those who are at the top of the economy."
I know it needs work, however I do think that these things seperate us from the GOP, especially the right to or not to worship.
Give it a shot, and maybe we can find some good messaging together.